Millennial Moms May Be Beacons’ New Best Friends

In-store beacons — technology that tracks in-store visitors and sends offers their way through their smart devices — are having a significant and effective impact in reaching moms within the Millennial generation, according to inMarket.

As reported by VentureBeat, inMarket, which is a beacon platform, said Tuesday (July 7) that 38 percent of mothers in the U.S. who were born between the years 1982 and 2000 can be reached through beacons. This insight, inMarket said, is gleaned through beacon-generated interactions that go through the company’s platform, which has more than 36 million monthly active app users across several thousand retailers in the U.S. InMarket says the data is verified through comScore.

InMarket says that of all the women in the Millennial generation, or 41 million, their platform reaches about 20 percent. And 9 million individuals are the mothers reached through beacons in stores. Yet, notes VentureBeat, there is no data that surmises whether those moms are actually buying items tied to beacon-based promos. Across all users of the platform, according to inMarket, there is a 14 percent boost in items that find their way into a shopping cart on an average visit.

VentureBeat notes that beacons still have some particulars that need to work in tandem for effective promotions, especially when it comes to technology being used in a retail location. The beacon itself “simply sends out a location ID,” noted the site, “which needs to be picked up by a compatible app,” and then the app needs to link via WiFi to interact with a given marketer’s server in order to bring, say, discount news or coupons to a user.


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