Merger Creates A New, Record-Breaking Alt-Lender

Alternative lender Capify has just hit a new milestone, and according to the company, it is the first alternative small business finance firm to do so.

In a Tuesday (July 21) announcement, Capify said it is now the first-ever SME alt-finance platform to operate in the U.S., U.K., Australia and Canada following a merger of its previously separate units. U.S.-based AmeriMerchant, U.K.-based United Kapital, Australia-based AUSvance and Canada-based True North Capital are all now combined under the Capify name.

“Our official launch of Capify comes at an exciting time as the alternative finance industry is more prosperous than ever and is top of mind for everyone from business owners to Wall Street,” said CEO David Goldin, who founded all four companies. “We’re proud to finally announce ourselves as one global conglomerate that is one of the first international movers in the alternative finance space, and the only alternative finance provider who can help small businesses with working capital solutions in the U.S.A., U.K., Australia and Canada.”

Together, Capify can extend its SME lending services to about 35 million businesses in these nations, which are among the world’s largest alternative lending markets.

The collection of these four businesses under the Capify name also makes it easier for local firms in each of these jurisdictions to partner with the alternative lending platform. Firms that are both local and international that provide services to small businesses can connect with new clients through Capify, the firm said, allowing SMEs to access working capital and other enterprise solutions in a streamlined way.

Small business borrowers can apply and receive a response through Capify in a minute or less. Big Data analytics connect SMEs with working capital at reduced risk, while the firm also lets third-party websites integrate the Capify application directly into their sites.

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