A PYMNTS Company

Epic Games Calls Out Apple for Rejecting Its Games Store in The EU

 |  July 5, 2024

By: Sarah Perez (Tech Crunch)

Epic Games, the creator of Fortnite, has encountered a hurdle in its attempt to launch the Epic Games Store in the EU. Leveraging the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), Epic announced earlier this year its intention to bring both its digital storefront and Fortnite back to iOS in Europe. However, Epic now reports that Apple has rejected its submission twice, citing concerns that the Epic Games Store too closely resembles Apple’s own App Store.

In posts on X, Epic Games revealed that Apple rejected its submission over specific details, such as the placement of the “Install” button for games, which Apple deemed too similar to its “Get” button. Additionally, Apple’s rejection was based on the “in-app purchase” label being too similar to Apple’s own label…