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FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Announces Proposed Voluntary Cybersecurity Labeling Program for Smart Devices

 |  August 4, 2023


Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel made a significant announcement on July 18, 2023. She revealed that she has shared a proposal with the FCC’s commissioners to establish a voluntary cybersecurity labeling program. The primary goal of this program is to provide consumers with transparent and easily understandable information regarding the security aspects of their Internet-enabled devices.

While the actual proposal has not been released yet, the details of Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s announcement shed light on the key areas the program aims to address. The proposal seeks to gather input on several critical aspects, including determining which devices available for sale in the U.S. should be eligible for inclusion in the labeling program. Additionally, it explores the question of who should oversee and manage the program effectively.

Another essential aspect the proposal seeks to address is the development of robust security standards that can be applied to different types of devices. It aims to establish methods for demonstrating compliance with these security standards and ensuring that the cybersecurity label is protected against unauthorized use. Moreover, the proposal emphasizes the need to educate consumers about the program, ensuring they can make informed decisions about the security of the devices they purchase…