A PYMNTS Company

U.S. Deputy AG Announces New Safe Harbor Policy for Voluntary Disclosures in M&A

 |  October 16, 2023

By: Lisa Monaco (CLS Blue Sky Blog)

If one has paid attentions to the policies implemented by the Department of Justice over the past two years, it’s evident that there is a strong emphasis on empowering general counsels and compliance officers. The goal is to enable them to advocate for compliance investments in both the board room and the c-suite, emphasizing that robust compliance programs are beneficial for the business.

In this role, compliance officers stand on the frontline, safeguarding their respective companies and shareholders. In today’s world, this responsibility increasingly encompasses protecting national security.

The current landscape of corporate enforcement is marked by expansion and innovation. Over the past two years, significant efforts have been directed towards corporate enforcement actions aimed at safeguarding national security, spanning unforeseen industries and reaching unprecedented numbers.

In this endeavor, new tools have been embraced to tailor punishments and bolster the argument for robust compliance, augmenting consistency, predictability, and transparency for compliance officers and the boardrooms they advise.

This proactive approach is far from complete. The forthcoming examples will underscore the urgency: investing in compliance now is crucial, as failing to do so may result in substantial repercussions for the company later on. The discussion will shed light on the advancements made in combatting corporate crime and outline the future trajectory of these efforts…