Dean Neese news and trends

Bold Moves Bring Bright Futures When Firms Embrace Failing Fast
B2B Payments // August 23, 2023

Tough decisions are critical to business success, and they don’t get any easier the longer they are put off. “The origin of decide, the Latin etymology, means ‘to cut off,’” Chief Financial Officer Dean Neese told PYMNTS as part of the new series Tough Calls. “It means to... CFO on Accelerating the Marriage of Finance and Strategy
CFO // March 29, 2023

Top chief financial officers are drawing up their battle plans in the face of a tough macro economy. Dean Neese, CFO at location intelligence solution, told PYMNTS that while finance teams are being tasked with an ever-growing plate of responsibilities, first among them is...

Interviews & Exclusives
C-Suite Execs Share What to Do When Tough Calls Knock

August 31, 2023
The tough choices a business makes should reflect its hopes, not its fears. But getting to the right answer when faced with a challenging decision is becoming more complex, especially as the realities of the business landscape continue to shift while operational workflows and entrenched processes are buffeted and transformed by the rapid pace of […]