Logistics Tech Leads B2B FinTech Into A Booming Funding Week
Logistics Tech Leads B2B FinTech Into A Booming Funding Week
December 04, 2020  |  B2B Payments

As the year winds down to a close, the B2B FinTech startup community is heating up once again with one of the busiest weeks in...

Building B2B eCommerce Tech To Fit Wholesalers’ Unique Checklists
Building B2B eCommerce Tech To Fit Wholesalers’ Unique Checklists
December 04, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Whether it’s a B2C brand stepping into the world of B2B sales for the first time, or a wholesaler or distributor that’s in the early...

Why SMBs Should Consider Inventory Within Accounting Strategies
Why SMBs Should Consider Inventory Within Accounting Strategies
December 04, 2020  |  B2B Payments

With B2B FinTech innovation continuing to accelerate, there are troves of accounting platforms from which small businesses can choose when launching operations. While these out-of-the-box...

sticky.io CEO Says Walmart Among Those Building Stronger Customer Relationships Through Subscriptions
sticky.io CEO Says Walmart Among Those Building Stronger Customer Relationships Through Subscriptions
December 04, 2020  |  Subscription Commerce

This year’s holiday shopping season is going to be very different — and very digital — than what’s come before, sticky.io CEO Brian Bogosian told...

Slice Uses APIs To Take A Bite Out Of Address Verification
Slice Uses APIs To Take A Bite Out Of Address Verification
December 04, 2020  |  Digital Onboarding

Onboarding customers and easing checkout processes are key issues for eCommerce companies. Not getting this right can cost online merchants as much as $4 trillion...

Credit Unions Encouraged To Get Aggressive With Digital Strategies
Credit Unions Encouraged To Get Aggressive With Digital Strategies
December 04, 2020  |  Credit Unions

The 2020 winter holidays are going to be quite a bit different than they’ve ever been. In fact, the holiday shopping season is already quite...

DATA: Digital-First Consumers Want The COVID-19 Vaccine, But It Won’t Change Their Digital-First Habits
DATA: Digital-First Consumers Want The COVID-19 Vaccine, But It Won’t Change Their Digital-First Habits
December 04, 2020  |  Coronavirus

The United States is now in what is considered to be the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. And while the number of cases and...

Embedded Payments Build Flexibility For Merchants
Embedded Payments Build Flexibility For Merchants
December 04, 2020  |  Payment Methods

We’ll be happy, all of us, to leave 2020 in the rearview mirror. But for payments, the new year will dawn with a combination of...

Citi’s $900 Million Mistaken Payment Case Might Be In Wrong Court
Citi’s $900 Million Mistaken Payment Case Might Be In Wrong Court
December 03, 2020  |  Legal

The ongoing case of Citigroup‘s accidental $900 million payment to Revlon creditors may now have to be thrown out of court due to a mistake...