B2B Payments Tech Closes The Buyer-Supplier Gap
B2B Payments Tech Closes The Buyer-Supplier Gap
December 01, 2020  |  B2B Payments

As B2B payments innovation accelerates, some solution providers are pulling double-duty by tackling both accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) friction with a single...

Deep Dive: The Virtual Card Convenience And Security Pitch
Deep Dive: The Virtual Card Convenience And Security Pitch
December 01, 2020  |  Next-Gen Debit

Consumers who are staying at home during the pandemic still need to be able to acquire new debit cards and replace ones they have lost,...

Amazon Sellers Cash In With $4.8 Billion Holiday Sales Worldwide
Amazon Sellers Cash In With $4.8 Billion Holiday Sales Worldwide
December 01, 2020  |  Amazon

Amazon merchants rang up over $4.8 billion in global sales Black Friday through Cyber Monday, a 60 percent increase over 2019 sales for the same...

Alibaba Bridges Cross-Border B2B Buyer-Seller Trust Gap
Alibaba Bridges Cross-Border B2B Buyer-Seller Trust Gap
December 01, 2020  |  Back-office

Legacy cross-border payment methods that may have been inconvenient but endurable in 2019 no longer serve firms’ needs in 2020. Last year saw 68% of...

Paidy Founder Says Japanese Consumers Ready For New Take On Buy Now Pay Later
Paidy Founder Says Japanese Consumers Ready For New Take On Buy Now Pay Later
December 01, 2020  |  Payment Methods

When it comes to the attitude about and usage of credit, not all countries are created equal. In fact, even within geographic areas certain countries...

Payments As A Service Help Banks Build Resiliency
Payments As A Service Help Banks Build Resiliency
December 01, 2020  |  Payments As A Service

The pandemic has shone a light on some glaring inefficiencies in B2B payments. But Deepak Gupta, global head of PaaS at Volante Technologies, told PYMNTS that...

Cutting Through The Cross-Border Payments Confusion
Cutting Through The Cross-Border Payments Confusion
December 01, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

The world doesn’t lack for stories about cross-border payments gone wrong. As North Lane Technologies CEO Seth Brennan told Karen Webster in a recent conversation,...

NEW DATA: What US Consumers Want Grocery Stores To Know About How They Want To Shop And Pay
NEW DATA: What US Consumers Want Grocery Stores To Know About How They Want To...
December 01, 2020  |  Omnicommerce

As consumers spend more time at home, they continue to order groceries online in far larger numbers than they ever did before the pandemic. In...

Kount, Snowflake Team To Offer Customer Data Insights
Kount, Snowflake Team To Offer Customer Data Insights
December 01, 2020  |  Data

Kount, which works in digital fraud protection and identity trust, announced today (Dec. 1) that it is working with data cloud provider Snowflake to provide...