Virtual credit cards are one of the more flexible electronic payment methods available, and the world continues its steady march toward greater digital payment use....
Fried chicken fast-food restaurant KFC is partnering with Beyond Meat to bring meatless fried chicken to stores in Tennessee and North Carolina, according to a...
Talk of “friction” in the payments industry is mostly about removing obstacles to consumer transactions, and how easily (or not) those payments get processed on...
New lease accounting standards are in effect for publicly traded companies in the U.S. after the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards...
As faster and real-time payment schemes achieve ubiquity in more markets around the globe, speed is increasingly becoming the standard for payers of all kinds....
Banks and FinTechs continue to discover new opportunities in unlocking corporate clients’ financial data, with banks embracing data integration for their own product development initiatives,...
Bank customers increasingly prefer self-service transactions over branch visits, and financial institutions (FIs) are meeting them where there. Investments in features — such as remote...
Cloud technology has lost some of its mystique in recent years, and consumers’ improved understanding has led to a boost in demand. The cloud computing...
A day after rivals in Cupertino posted revenue and earnings results at an all-time high, the team at Samsung had something less of a victory...