Cyberexperts Flag Danger Of Deepfakes At House Hearing
Cyberexperts Flag Danger Of Deepfakes At House Hearing
January 08, 2020  |  Safety and Security

Researchers have reported concerns about the timely importance of addressing deep fakes and other types of digital deception amid the backdrop of the upcoming presidential...

Rockwell Automation Takeover Targets Cybersecurity In Manufacturing
Rockwell Automation Takeover Targets Cybersecurity In Manufacturing
January 08, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

New York-listed Rockwell Automation is acquiring Israeli-based Avnet Data Security to deliver advanced cybersecurity services, Rockwell announced on Wednesday (Jan. 8). A cybersecurity provider with...

CES Shows the Power of Connected Commerce
CES Shows the Power of Connected Commerce
January 08, 2020  |  Merchant Innovation

Homes are getting smarter as the Internet of Things expands, and that has major implications for payments and commerce. Examples of that are coming fast...

McDonald’s Continues Digital Push With Dedicated Team
McDonald’s Continues Digital Push With Dedicated Team
January 08, 2020  |  Restaurant innovation

McDonald’s, with an increasing focus on digital initiatives and new technologies to sell food, has created a digital customer engagement team, according to a report...

The Push And Pull Of India’s Merchant Discount Rate Ban
The Push And Pull Of India’s Merchant Discount Rate Ban
January 08, 2020  |  Regulation

In physics, one of Newton’s Laws state that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In payments, it can be stated that...

Aon Deal Signals Rising Trend Of InsurTech In The 2020s
Aon Deal Signals Rising Trend Of InsurTech In The 2020s
January 08, 2020  |  Digital Payments

It will pay to watch how the insurance industry undergoes innovation and disruption in the coming decade, thanks in part to digital tech, faster disbursements...

Walmart Launches Grocery-Picking Robot
Walmart Launches Grocery-Picking Robot
January 08, 2020  |  Retail

Walmart is aiming to solidify its position as America’s largest grocer with a grocery-picking robot called Alphabot that is said to pick, pack and deliver...

Mediaocean Seeks Supply Chain Transparency
Mediaocean Seeks Supply Chain Transparency
January 08, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Advertising technology Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) firm Mediaocean has formed a blockchain partnership with Amino Payments for transparency and accountability in digital advertising, Mediaocean announced on Tuesday...

Top News in Payments: Citigroup Names New Retail Banking Leader; NY Lawmakers Push For Public eBanking System
Top News in Payments: Citigroup Names New Retail Banking Leader; NY Lawmakers Push For Public...
January 08, 2020  |  News

In today’s top news, CitiGroup named David Chubak to head its retail banking division, lawmakers in New York proposed a public eBanking system similar to...