Is Turkey Ready For Open Banking Ahead Of Its EU Counterparts?
Is Turkey Ready For Open Banking Ahead Of Its EU Counterparts?
January 06, 2020  |  Bank Regulation

On Jan. 3, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect, ushering in the strongest consumer data protections in the U.S. With the...

How FinTechs View Integrated Receivables In 2020
How FinTechs View Integrated Receivables In 2020
January 06, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

FinTechs are watching the latest trends in integrated receivables as a new year begins. The first trend that DadeSystems has noticed is that the cost...

The Power Problem Holding Back Supply Chain Digitization
The Power Problem Holding Back Supply Chain Digitization
January 06, 2020  |  B2B Payments

At the onset of Industry 4.0, the drive toward supply chain digitization is fueling massive investments in Internet of Things (IoT), smart sensors and connected...

FinTech Steps In As Invoice Payment Wait Times Inflate
FinTech Steps In As Invoice Payment Wait Times Inflate
January 06, 2020  |  B2B Payments

When it comes to late B2B payments, there’s good news and bad news. The good news stems from the U.K., where new research has found...

Community Banks Embrace Faster Payments’ Competitive Edge
Community Banks Embrace Faster Payments’ Competitive Edge
January 06, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Community banks are pushing for a stronger role with their small business (SMB) customers. Yet, the broader perception of smaller financial institutions (FIs) in the...

Deep Dive: What Does Open Banking Mean For Turkish Banks?
Deep Dive: What Does Open Banking Mean For Turkish Banks?
January 06, 2020  |  Regulation

The European Union’s revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) is tightening its grip on international finance as open banking initiatives continue to crop up in countries...

Revenues Grow While Profits Flat For Over Half Of US SMBs
Revenues Grow While Profits Flat For Over Half Of US SMBs
January 06, 2020  |  SMBs

More than half of U.S. small businesses (SMBs) — 57 percent — reported revenue growth in 2018, although profits remained the same as in 2017,...

Trump Administration Requires License For Certain AI Software Exports
Trump Administration Requires License For Certain AI Software Exports
January 06, 2020  |  Artificial Intelligence

New rules from the Trump administration will make it more difficult to export artificial intelligence data, with an eye toward keeping sensitive tech out of...

Girding For Iran’s Cyberattacks On The US — Where Past May Be Prologue
Girding For Iran’s Cyberattacks On The US — Where Past May Be Prologue
January 06, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

Tensions between the U.S. and Iran have gone up several notches with the killing of Qassem Soleimani, which might raise the risk for cyberattacks. If...