Apple Watch Now Delivers Domino’s Pizza Tracking

Domino’s Pizza announced yesterday (July 7) that customers can now track their order from anywhere, at any time, via Domino’s new app for Apple Watch, which includes the Domino’s Tracker. From the watch face, Apple Watch users will be able to swipe up to quickly access the Domino’s Glance. The Domino’s Glance will feature a brief status update of a customer’s current order.

“Domino’s is always looking for ways to continue leading the eCommerce industry with our customer-focused technology, and our new app for Apple Watch is no exception,” said Dennis Maloney, Domino’s vice president and chief digital officer. “Partnering with the world’s leading technology innovator to give Domino’s customers yet another way to track their order is one more way we hope to make customers’ experiences even better and more convenient.”

As food deliveries continue to develop technologically, tracking food deliveries is also an interesting feature for restaurants. Trackin provides a dashboard to a restaurant so it can monitor its deliverymen on route to the customers’ locations. The deliverymen are equipped with mobile apps that track where they are, similar to an Uber experience.

“Some observers say technology disruption will soon hijack restaurant delivery the way it has shaken up the traditional taxi business, where newcomer alternatives like Uber and Lyft have shaken the core of a centuries-old mode of travel and business,” author Ron Ruggless wrote in a Nation’s Restaurant News article. “And restaurant chains are putting the pedal to metal when it comes to driving their delivery decisions.”

“For capabilities like this, the benefits really span a spectrum for the brand. Are there a huge number of consumers who wouldn’t have ordered Domino’s without an Apple Watch tracker app? No. But it shows again that they can track their orders from anywhere,” explained Maloney to Forbes.

“And it’s great from a PR standpoint for the brand. It tells the younger generation that we’re not the Domino’s of 50 years ago, but that we’re fast and innovative and are experimenting and doing what it takes to give them the best pizza experience. It’s important for the brand halo.”

It’s not the first time that Domino’s has bet on technology for PR purposes. Last May, Domino’s further innovated its style of delivery when it launched its “tweet to order” service.

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