Oberthur Forms Strategic IoT Partnership In UAE

Oberthur, the digital security firm focused on mobile, and Etisalat Group, a telecom provider based in the UAE, are extending their collaboration to bring machine-to-machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) services to the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

The companies said in a Wednesday (July 22) statement that the push in the M2M and IoT realms will look to more fully engage enterprise customers and bring those services beyond connectivity.

Etisalat will use Oberthur’s M-Sense solution, which manages applications and devices, allowing for secure data collection in real time and enabling Etisalat operators to offer vertical applications across smart cities, enterprises and other customers working within sectors as diverse as transportation, energy and real estate.

Oberthur will support Etisalat affiliates with marketing strategies and technology support. The companies will in turn be able to expand applications to include sensor data visualization and business reporting to serve local markets.

Before the Wednesday announcement, Oberthur had been supplying Etisalat with SIM cards and “mission critical” application systems, the companies said.

Arnaud de La Chapelle, RMEA (or Russia, Middle East and Africa) president and general manager of telecom at Oberthur, said in the announcement that “IoT is about connecting billions of objects, but more importantly it also requires the creation of numerous IoT solutions and services that will help monetize the value associated with this connectivity.”

“It is essential for an IoT application platform to act as an innovation accelerator for developers, while also enabling seamless integration to enterprises’ existing business applications, including Big Data and analytics,” he added.

Etisalat is based in Abu Dhabi and has 173 million subscribers across the 19 markets it operates in around the world. Oberthur, with technology spanning smart cards and mobile devices, has clients in 140 countries.


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