A Look At Windows 10 For Enterprise

Windows 10, Microsoft’s latest operating system, is set for official launch this week. There are two versions available to users: Windows 10 and Windows 10 Pro. According to reports, the Pro version of the OS comes with added features that are likely to catch the eyes of a few business owners.

Reports in TechRadar published late last week covered several new characteristics of Windows 10 Pro that are particularly applicable to business users. Microsoft has boosted its security features and eased the use of its touchscreen. Plus, Microsoft has rolled out its Cortana feature — what industry experts have been comparing to Apple’s Siri — which can use voice recognition to set reminders for businesses. For example, reports said, Cortana can remind you of business meetings or to email a colleague, and these reminders can pop up based on your location, if you pass a coworker’s office, for instance.

Cortana can also be integrated into backend business systems, reports highlighted, providing relevant work-related information alongside other daily information like the weather and travel information found at the Start menu.

Windows 10 Pro also provides the Azure Active Directory, a cloud-based platform that can also link right into a company’s existing Microsoft business account. Fingerprint readers also allow for easy employee access to company devices while providing an added level of security not offered by passwords.

Reports added that Windows 10 allows business users to open as many desktop screens as they need, each with customizable programs and apps. “If you have to join a video conference and share your screen to give a presentation,” TechRadar wrote, “using a separate virtual desktop for the programs you want to share means you don’t have to close down other applications or worry about accidentally showing any confidential information, or any personal browsing or messages that you’re doing at the same time. It’s a quick way to get a more professional look.”

Reports warned that business users will need a certain license to unlock some of the features that will be particularly useful to enterprise for Office 365. Further, Microsoft is looking to introduce features for OneDrive that will also be helpful in the workplace, but they will not be available until later this year.

Windows 10 is set for official release on Wednesday (July 29).

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