Target Looking To Jump On Grocery Delivery Bandwagon

It seems anyone who is anyone in retail these days is trying to figure out grocery delivery. It also seems that Target is making a move on the cool kids’ clubs.

In early 2015 Target announced it was looking to offer a broader selection of food — especially in the organic and artisanal end of the shopping experience where shoppers have persistently demonstrated over the last 12 years that they are willing to spend more to get better.

It seems that Target is also gearing up to take on Amazon, Walmart, Google, Instacart and Peapod by jumping into the wild world of grocery delivery.

Target’s CEO came from food and grocery sales but assured Target customers a year ago when he ascended to the top spot that he was not looking to turn the chain into a grocery store. However, delivery came up during the retailer’s vendor summit — the same venue where customers’ growing preference for natural and organic product was discussed.

The company’s chief marketing officer told vendors that the company plans to start testing delivery “in the very near future” but has not filled in exactly when. Target is also looking into more omnicommerce options and is trialing curbside pickup in L.A. and parts of New Jersey.

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