Apple Pay’s Heading Off To College (In Oklahoma)

This week the University of Oklahoma will be a payments pioneer as it becomes the first university to accept Apple Pay across its campus.

And it is clearly pretty proud of itself, as the blog post announcing Apple Pay indicated. The post referred to the ability to pay sans wallet as “basically Harry Potter-level wizardry” and noted on the security features, “We literally have no words for how stinkin’ secure your transactions will be.”

OU students may be technologically adept, but insofar as they wrote a paragraph with those “no words” they had about how secure one’s data will be, it would seem they have some progress yet to be made with understanding the definition of the word “literally.”

Luckily, however, they can use Apple Pay to buy themselves a dictionary as the payments platform is now available for the university’s 400 POS locations, including bookstores and restaurants.

Oklahoma (where the wind goes sweeping down the plains) may be first to the Apple Pay-fully-accepted-on-campus train, but they won’t be the last, as over 700 institutions of higher education plan to adopt the program in the near future.

Tim Cook, during the Q3 earnings call, specifically mentioned the University of Oklahoma, the University of Kentucky and Auburn University, Cook’s own alma mater.

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