Wearable Mind-Reader Finds The Perfect Shirt

If you’ve ever stood in front of your closet wondering what to wear or had an armful of clothes in a fitting room without knowing which ones to buy, then Uniqlo has news for you.

In a demonstration on Wednesday (Oct. 7) at the Japanese fashion retailer’s Sydney location, Uniqlo showcased its new “UMood” wearable technology that promises to turn customers’ thoughts and brainwaves into a recommendation for the perfect t-shirt, PC World reported. By wearing a small headset that captures the same brain activity as some medical devices, the gadget references Uniqlo’s stock of more than 600 t-shirts to match one with customers’ current moods.

Phil Harris, a consumer neuroscientist, told CMO that not only does the device provide customers a reason to come into the store, but it also represents the tip of the iceberg when it comes to innovative wearable tech in retail.

“We’ve seen neuroscience infiltrate the way our advertisements are put together and which advertisements make it onto TV, so it was really only a matter of time before leading brands, like Uniqlo, built this into their in-store experience,” Harris said. “This is just the tip of the iceberg and showcases how neuroscience is influencing how major brands now operate and market themselves.”

The Uniqlo team in Australia will be touring the UMood suite around the country on a goodwill trip of sorts for the company’s brand. Vision Critical explained that Uniqlo has been in rapid expansion mode for a few years now and is planning on opening a spate of locations throughout the U.S. and Canada by 2016. Emphasizing itself as a trendsetter on the tech side of fashion can’t hurt its reputation among young consumers moving forward.

If that fails, Uniqlo can just use UMood to see what those darn millennials are really thinking.

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