75 Execs Talk Payments 2015 and 2016

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With 2015 winding down and 2016 set to begin, the PYMNTS team thought it might help to take some time out between carving the turkey and trimming the tree to get a view on the big takeaways from this year and the predictions for the payments industry for next year. We spoke with nearly 75 executives who gave us some of the highlights.

The big themes this year?

  • EMV and security, of course, was a hot topic after the October liability shift.
  • And don’t forget mobile, with lots of new mobile payments players entering the market with their alternative to Apple Pay.
  • Many companies said hello to Wall Street this year as 2015 saw a handful of payments companies take the plunge and become publicly traded companies.

So what does 2016 have in store? Click the download button below to see what nearly 75 payments executives are predicting.

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