
Amazon Crushes Christmas
December 28, 2015

Given the ongoing parade of headlines about the Web’s total domination of the holiday shopping season thus far, it should come as a surprise to no one that Amazon is announcing a very successful cap-off to what has been a great year. So good, in...

Amazon And UPS: Is Breaking Up Hard To Do?
December 24, 2015

All Amazon probably wants for Christmas is lower shipping costs. The logistics industry, however, hasn’t quite delivered what Amazon’s been wishing for, which may cause a strain between the eCommerce giant and its once shipping giant ally. While UPS has built its systems over the...

Amazon May Take On FedEx’s Air Delivery Service
December 21, 2015

Could Amazon be the next FedEx? At least according to the recent news reported by The Seattle Times, it appears Amazon is attempting to do so. Citing unnamed cargo industry execs, the paper reported that Amazon is in the works to lease 20 Boeing 767 jets...

Amazon Pays Consumers To Push Mobile Shopping
December 18, 2015

In an effort to incentivize more customers to shop via its popular mobile app, Amazon is pushing out a mobile referral program. As TechCrunch recently reported, Amazon’s offering is like many typical referral programs, with a twist: The company doesn’t just want new accounts registered; it...

Amazon Pushes Mobile Referral Program
December 18, 2015

There is winning, and then there is dominating the field. Apparently, Amazon feels a little more of the latter is necessary for its mobile efforts. Despite already having the number one shopping app in app stores, Amazon is hoping to bring more customers into the mobile...

Why Amazon Is Gambling Big On Prime Now
December 16, 2015

Amazon’s immediate area of interest deals with, as it happens, immediacy. According to Re/code, the eCommerce giant is putting a significant amount of focus on its one- (or two-) hour delivery service, Prime Now, which launched in Manhattan last year and has been expanding ever...

2015 — The Year Amazon Won Delivery
December 14, 2015

While consumers are more than happy to play around with the latest and greatest gadgets startups can dream up, if there’s one thing 2015 has shown the retail world, it’s that many shoppers are happy to buy everyday items as long as they get there...

New Jersey Town No Longer Suing Amazon
December 14, 2015

The major of a New Jersey town that about two weeks ago was prepared to head into court with Amazon over his town’s ruined traffic patterns has decided to back off some. Robbinsville Mayor Dave Fried has sought regress from Amazon over what he calls...

Amazon Unseats Flipkart As India’s Most Visited eCommerce Site
December 14, 2015

It took about two years, but Amazon has managed to claim the throne in Indian eCommerce — for now. has become the most visited eCommerce site in India, an occasion Amazon is celebrating with a free gift voucher worth Rs 200 for any customer who...