
Amazon Boosts Online Shopping Capabilities With AR View Feature
November 02, 2017

Amazon announced news on Wednesday (Nov. 1) that it launched AR View, an augmented reality (AR) shopping feature in the Amazon app, according to TechCrunch. The feature allows customers to use iOS mobile device cameras to preview how retail products would look in their homes...

Chicago Developer Tries To Lure Amazon With Its Own Stadium
October 30, 2017

Sterling Bay, a Chicago developer, is throwing in a sports and concert stadium into its proposal for Amazon’s second U.S. headquarters, in an effort to outbid the other cities vying for the project. According to a news report in the Chicago Tribune, the developer’s Lincoln...

Amazon Turns Attention To The Medical Device Business
October 27, 2017

While it seems it’s only a matter of time before Amazon enters the pharmaceuticals market, one Wall Street analyst is predicting that the eCommerce giant is also looking to grow its professional medical device business. Amazon was granted wholesale distribution licenses in several states earlier...

Mobile Drives Alphabet/Google Q3 Earnings Surge
October 27, 2017

Alphabet, the parent firm of Google, seems to be dotting its “I”s and crossing its “T”s as the company delivered third-quarter results that showed traction in advertising, mobile initiatives and emerging technologies. Earnings of $9.57 a share handily topped previous estimates of $8.31; that bottom...

The eCommerce Bachelor: Which City Will Get The Rose?
October 25, 2017

How is the race to be Amazon’s second home city not a reality show? Jeff Bezos missed a major marketing opportunity there (as if Amazon needs it). In the vein of young romantics crafting elaborate prom-posals for their beaus, 54 North American states, districts and...

Amazon May Account For Close To 50 Percent Of Online Sales This Year
October 25, 2017

Amazon’s piece of the retail pie is expected to end the year even bigger, with market research firm eMarketer boosting its estimates on dollars spent at the eCommerce giant. According to news from Recode, eMarketer thinks Amazon will end the year controlling roughly 44 cents...

Amazon’s Plans To ‘Cash In’ On Mexican eComm Market
October 25, 2017

With many shoppers in Mexico wary of credit card fraud and relying mostly on cash, Amazon has launched a new cash payment service in the country. According to a Reuters news report, the move will enable Amazon to expand its reach in Mexico and to...

Amazon Tracker: Calling All Alexa Fans
October 20, 2017

In case you missed it, this week Amazon came up with a genius new delivery plan just in time for the holidays. Plus, Alexa devices now let their owners make voice and video calls to any U.S., Canadian or Mexican phone number without touching a...

Amazon Entices Advertisers With New Video Format
October 19, 2017

Amazon is working to attract advertisers by allowing them to add wide-screen videos and interactive, multimedia displays to their product pages. But those enhancements come with a price — $500,000 per year to be exact, according to advertisers familiar with the offering. According to AdAge,...