
The Online Shopping Bot Battlefield Takes Shape
May 10, 2017

When Walmart tried to check the tech it uses to monitor prices on Amazon earlier this year, its engineers found something curious — the tech wasn’t working anymore. Amazon’s blocking secret? Bots. Walmart — which needs that sensitive pricing data to stay competitive with Amazon...

Amazon Tracker: May Flowers
May 09, 2017

It’s been another strong few weeks for Amazon (AMZN) as shares hit an all-time high at the end of April amid a major Q1 beat. For the quarter, Amazon reported revenue of $35.7 billion, up 23 percent year on year and beating analyst estimates of...

Amazon’s Alexa To Dominate Voice-Activated Personal Assistant Market
May 09, 2017

Amazon and its voice-activated assistant, Alexa, is dominating the burgeoning digital personal assistant market, with research firm eMarketer predicting it will command 70.6 percent of the market share this year. In the research report, eMarketer said in 2017 35.6 million consumers in the U.S. will...

Will Amazon’s Next-Gen Echo Have A Screen?
May 05, 2017

The rumor mill has been turning for months now about the prospects of Amazon‘s break-out smart speaker device Amazon Echo gaining a touchscreen in its next iteration. Now, we might have some proof. Well, ‘proof’ may be a strong assertion. Let’s go with ‘potential evidence.’...

Amazon Celebrates Manchester By The Sea On Prime With Gift To Town’s Residents
May 02, 2017

To celebrate the arrival of its Academy Award winning film, Manchester by the Sea, on Prime Video, Amazon is sending a gift box to every residents’ home in Manchester-by-the Sea, MA this week. According to a press release, the box will include a code to claim...

Amazon’s Alexa Gets A New Set Of Speaking Skills To Sound More Human
May 01, 2017

Amazon announced that Alexa is going to sound more human, with a new set of speaking skills that allow her to do things like whisper, take a breath to pause for emphasis, adjust the rate, pitch and volume of her speech, “bleep” out her words...

Amazon Gaining Ground In Apparel Sales
May 01, 2017

Is apparel retail reaching a tipping point, whereafter it becomes a mostly digital experience? And is Amazon about to be the big beneficiary of that change? That is the question the New York Times posed over the weekend — in the face of data that...

Amazon Surges On Wall Street Beat
April 28, 2017

When it comes to reporting quarterly earnings, there’s beating Wall Street’s expectations, really beating them, and then there is what Amazon did yesterday. Eight straight quarters of profits seem to have finally shaken off its reputation for being the world’s most successful company that failed...

Dialpad Integrates Amazon Echo And Alexa Into Its Cloud Telephone Service
April 26, 2017

Dialpad, a cloud-based business communications platform, announced Tuesday (April 25) an integration with Amazon Echo that enables users to perform business phone tasks by voice commands. According to a report in TechCrunch, for example, a user can ask Alexa if they have any phone messages on...