
Amazon 1-Click Patent Expires In 2017
January 04, 2017

Soon, online payments might get more frictionless. Amazon’s patent on its 1-Click payment system will expire this year, meaning online buyers could soon see many other online stores adopting similar methods throughout 2017. Anyone who has used Amazon more than once or bought using voice...

83 Percent Of Americans Used Amazon Last Year
December 30, 2016

Amazon may have been the clear winner this holiday shopping season, but that doesn’t mean everyone wants to shop on the eCommerce giant’s websites. According to The Wall Street Journal, which cited data from Kantar Retail ShopperScape, 17 percent of households in the U.S. do...

Amazon Tracker: Holiday Cheer & Countermeasures
December 29, 2016

First up in this week’s sweet Amazon Tracker, an update on the story that broke (and broke hearts) just before Christmas came around. Amazon’s coveted Echo smart speaker is still sold out. And as it turns out, the backlog is actually more severe than first...

December 30 Becomes Amazon Digital Day
December 29, 2016

From selling a record number of Echo family devices, to beating out traditional retailers, to grabbing the attention of those last-minute shoppers, Amazon has had nothing short of a successful holiday season. On top of all that, Hanukkah and Christmas began on the same night...

Amazon Sets Season Record With Echo Sales
December 28, 2016

Amazon and Alexa, its virtual personal assistant, have something to cheer about this holiday season record sales of Amazon Echo family of devices. In a press release, Amazon said the 2016 holiday season was the best ever for Amazon with the Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick,...

Amazon Tracker: Battle Lines Drawn
December 22, 2016

This week in the Amazon Tracker, Amazon continues to push out globally, expanding its scale and a long list of offerings. As it does, battle lines are being drawn as the online retail (and a lot else) giant starts to bump up against its competition. Starting...

Amazon’s Uber Of Trucking
December 16, 2016

Online retail giant Amazon wants a bigger piece of the $800 billion trucking industry pie, and it plans to get it by repurposing some classic gig economy tactics, à la Uber. Scheduled to launch in summer 2017, Amazon is reportedly working on building a new...

Amazon Awarded Patent For Gift Card Sticker
December 14, 2016

Amazon has reportedly been awarded a design patent that makes it easier for consumers to choose between buying someone a gift or giving them a gift card. According to a report, the patent Amazon was awarded talks about a removable gift card sticker that could be added...

Will Amazon Eat Grocery Stores For Lunch?
December 12, 2016

When we all got a peek at Amazon Go last week, the buzz was all about innovating the checkout experience. That, Karen Webster writes this week, is like saying that the iPhone was all about innovating the telephone call. Amazon Go, Webster posits, is Amazon’s...