
Amazon Won’t Make Existing Sellers Pay $1,500 Gating Fee
September 07, 2016

Amazon recently rolled out new rules and regulations on sellers intended to limit the sale of counterfeit goods on its site but has now announced that existing sellers are exempt from paying the $1,500 gating fee, according to CNBC. “If a seller is already selling...

Amazon Is Shipping Your Stuff Faster Than Ever
September 07, 2016

There’s no denying it: Amazon has grown, and it’s grown quickly. Last year, Amazon’s annual revenue hit $107 billion. Compare that to 2010, when it was $34 billion. In that same time period, the number of employees grew from just under 34,000 to almost 300,000....

Amazon Wants Proof Of Purchase From Sellers
September 06, 2016

Aiming to fight counterfeit products on its website, eCommerce giant Amazon is now putting sellers through a more rigorous vetting process before listing their products online. According to a report, Amazon is now requiring sellers to pay a fee, which can be as high as $1,500,...

Amazon Slips Up With Dash Button
September 06, 2016

Amazon may find that EU users are under no obligation to pay for goods ordered using the Dash Button, which has been launched in Austria, Germany and the U.K. According to a law expert, because there is no “order-and-pay” click by the consumer, the purchase...

LG, Amazon Partner Up On Smart Homes
September 05, 2016

LG Electronics has announced a partnership with Amazon on smart-home technology, according to a Reuters report. The partnership will allow the South Korean-based electronics company and the U.S.-based eCommerce giant to partner on enabling Amazon’s Alexa virtual assistant to function with LG’s devices. LG will...

Amazon Could Launch Echo In UK On September 14
September 05, 2016

Amazon is reportedly gearing up to launch Echo in the U.K., with media reports pointing to Sept. 14 as the launch date. According to a report, on Friday (Sept. 2), Amazon sent out invites to the media, alerting them to an event taking place in London on...

Is Sales Tax An Anchor On Amazon?
September 01, 2016

One of the more long-grumbled complaints in retail is that Amazon and other eCommerce players are able to exploit a loophole that allowed them to mostly avoid charging sales tax. The effect of that loophole has lessened greatly for Amazon as its warehousing networks have grown...

Amazon And Wells Fargo End Student Loan Partnership After Six Weeks
September 01, 2016

In what will likely go down as one of history’s briefest interesting pairings, Wells Fargo and have decided to call off the discounted student loan program after a mere six weeks of existence. Called “Prime Student,” the plan called for Wells Fargo to drop...

Amazon Fights Counterfeiters With Brand Gating Fee
August 31, 2016

In an attempt to try and stop “brand gating” practices on its marketplace, Amazon has devised a policy of charging third-party merchants a one-time fee of $1,500, with an eye toward deterring counterfeiters and less-reputable merchants from its marketplace.  “We want customers to be able...