
Bezos Shareholders’ Letter Bites Back On Amazon Marketplace
April 11, 2019

The Amazon marketplace stands as one of the most successful efforts of the eCommerce operator, and that fact was underscored on Thursday (April 11) by the annual Amazon letter to shareholders from CEO Jeff Bezos – a letter that also apparently served as a rebuke to a...

Bezos Warns Of Future Failures; Challenges Retailers To Pay Employees More
April 11, 2019

Amazon may be firing on all cylinders, but Chief Executive Jeff Bezos realizes not all of its efforts will see success, warning investors in the company’s annual shareholder letter of the potential for multi-billion dollar failures. “As a company grows, everything needs to scale, including...

Whole Foods Adds More Cities To to Amazon Prime Now Delivery
April 10, 2019

Amazon and Whole Foods Market announced on Wednesday (April 10) that delivery of Whole Foods Market products via Prime Now has been expanded to nine more cities. In a press release, the eCommerce giant said that as of Wednesday, Prime members can shop via Prime...

Amazon Launches 50 New Tools To Help SMBs Grow
April 09, 2019

Small to medium-size businesses (SMBs) drive the sales of more than half of all units sold on Amazon, and today (April 9), the eCommerce giant announced that it has launched 50 new tools and services since the start of the year to help more of...

Amazon Getting More Search Ad Dollars At The Expense Of Google
April 05, 2019

Amazon is starting to get more of the digital advertising dollars as marketers shift their focus away from Google. The Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter, reported WPP, the biggest ad buyer in the world, increased its ad spend at Amazon in...

Turing Award Winner To Amazon: Stop Selling Face ID Tech
April 04, 2019

Two dozen artificial intelligence (AI) researchers working in tech and academia have sent a letter to Amazon Web Services (AWS), asking for it to stop selling its facial recognition software to law enforcement agencies. Those who want the tech giant to stop selling Rekognition to law enforcement...

Amazon Reins In Ads Amid Regulatory Probe
April 03, 2019

Amazon has removed some very prominent ads for some of its private label products amid increased regulatory scrutiny from politicians, according to reports. Amazon’s private label products are the eCommerce giant’s own in-house products, sold only on the website and often less expensive than brand...

Amazon Lowers Whole Foods Prices To Attract More Customers
April 01, 2019

Amazon plans to slash prices on hundreds of items at Whole Foods stores in an attempt to attract customers and change the brand’s image as a high-priced grocery store, The Wall Street Journal reported. The lower prices will affect 500 plus products and will mostly...

Amazon Accepting Cash Payments At Oxxo Stores
April 01, 2019

Amazon will now accept cash payments at Mexico’s most popular chain corner store, Oxxo, the companies announced on Monday (April 1). Reuters reported the partnership will allow Amazon to reach the millions of unbanked customers in the country (estimated to be at 60 percent) who...