artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence
Report: Microsoft Working on ‘Far Larger’ In-House AI Model
May 06, 2024

Microsoft is reportedly working on a new, in-house artificial intelligence (AI) model that is “far larger” than the other open source models it has trained. The new model, MAI-1, is expected to have about 500 billion parameters, Seeking Alpha reported Monday (May 6), citing a paywalled article by The Information. It aims to...

artificial intelligence
AI Explained: Large Language Models May Transform Industries 
May 06, 2024

Large language models, or LLMs, have emerged as pivotal forces in artificial intelligence.  These models, constructed on extensive datasets of human-generated text, empower machines to comprehend, produce and interact with human language. Their advent has sparked a wave of innovation across various sectors, from technology to...

artificial intelligence
Apple AI Could Produce ‘Really Really Good’ Version of Siri
May 05, 2024

What if Apple’s voice assistant Siri “was really, really, really good?” That question is at the heart of much of the tech giant’s artificial intelligence (AI) research, according to a report Sunday (May 5) by The Verge reviewing those efforts. For example, a team of Apple...

artificial intelligence
Warren Buffett Warns of AI Use in Scams
May 05, 2024

Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett has compared the development of artificial intelligence (AI) to the atomic bomb. Just like that invention, the multibillionaire said Saturday (May 4) at Berkshire’s annual meeting, AI could produce disastrous results for civilization.  “We let a genie out of the bottle when we developed...

artificial intelligence
How AI Reshapes Education, Streamlines Upskilling for Employees
May 03, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how companies train and upskill their employees, offering personalized learning experiences that can reduce costs and improve efficiency.  The global AI-in-education market is expected to grow from $3.6 billion in 2023 to around $73.7 billion by 2033, according to a...

artificial intelligence
Apple Takes Measured Approach to AI Amid Aggressive Competitive Spend
May 03, 2024

As tech giants like Google, Microsoft and OpenAI accelerate their artificial intelligence (AI) efforts, Apple is charting a more deliberate course and expressing optimism about the technology’s future. The iPhone maker, known for its meticulous approach to product development, is carefully assessing the AI landscape...

artificial intelligence
AI Eases Coding, Paving the Way for Swifter Business Innovation
May 02, 2024

From Silicon Valley startups to tech giants, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the art of computer programming. It offers developers a powerful new toolkit to brainstorm ideas, write and refine code, and fix pesky bugs — all with the help of AI-powered assistants. As...

artificial intelligence
Microsoft Bans Police Use of AI Service for Facial Recognition
May 02, 2024

Microsoft has banned police departments from using its Azure OpenAI Service for facial recognition purposes. The company added language to its code of conduct Thursday (May 2) saying that this artificial intelligence (AI) service may not “be used for facial recognition purposes by or for police departments in the United...

artificial intelligence
Oracle Adds AI-Powered Vector Search to Converged Database
May 02, 2024

Oracle, a provider of integrated suites of applications and secure infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud, has introduced Oracle Database 23ai.  This latest release of Oracle’s converged database introduces more than 300 features aimed at simplifying the use of artificial intelligence (AI) with data, accelerating app development...