artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence
Global AI Regulation Heats Up: France Targets Nvidia, California Proposes Safety Rules and US Senators...
July 02, 2024

Governments and regulators worldwide are scrambling to address the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. From France’s antitrust investigation into Nvidia to California’s new safety legislation and U.S. senators’ resistance to AI regulation in political ads, the global response highlights the complex struggle to...

artificial intelligence
How Banks and Big Tech Use AI to Modernize Workflows
July 02, 2024

Unlocking operational leverage is the name of the game for today’s businesses. In the face of ongoing macroeconomic uncertainty, controlling for what is controllable while making the most of available resources is emerging as a way to capture growth. For instance, Amazon is equipping its...

artificial intelligence
AI’s Impact on B2B Marketing Spotlights Value of Workflow Automation
July 01, 2024

Today’s increasingly digitized business-to-business (B2B) tech stack has transformed the way companies do business. At the same time, it is also transforming the way companies get business. That’s because, with the news last week (June 27) that accounts payable (AP) management firm Medius has introduced a...

artificial intelligence
How Many Chips Could You Buy With $74 Billion?
July 01, 2024

As tech giants worldwide scramble to dominate the artificial intelligence (AI) chip market, South Korea’s SK Hynix is making a $74.6 billion wager that could redefine the semiconductor industry — and perhaps the future of computing itself.  The company reportedly said it will spend the...

artificial intelligence
Robinhood Purchases Pluto to Provide AI-Powered Investment Advice
July 01, 2024

Trading platform Robinhood is acquiring artificial intelligence (AI) research service Pluto Capital. The purchase, as Bloomberg News reported Monday (July 1) is designed to offer Robinhood’s users more tailored investment strategies and analysis with the help of Pluto’s AI-driven personalized advice and real-time analytics.  “They...

artificial intelligence
AI Explained: AI Alignment
July 01, 2024

As artificial intelligence systems grow increasingly powerful and ubiquitous, a critical challenge has emerged: ensuring these systems behave in beneficial ways that align with human values. This challenge, known as “AI alignment,” has become a focal point for researchers, tech companies and policymakers grappling with...

artificial intelligence
iRobot Co-Founder: Generative AI May Be Overhyped
June 30, 2024

MIT robotics professor and iRobot co-founder Rodney Brooks thinks artificial intelligence (AI) is impressive. Just not as impressive as many of its proponents have argued, Brooks told TechCrunch in an interview published Saturday (June 29). “I’m not saying LLMs are not important, but we have...

artificial intelligence
Financial Services Sector Shows Reluctance to Embrace AI
June 30, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) may cut costs, but financial services companies have reportedly been slow to embrace it. That’s according to a report Sunday (June 30) by the Financial Times (FT), which said that regulatory concerns and worries about job losses have kept banks from adopting...

artificial intelligence
Amazon Recruits Execs From Adept for AGI Effort
June 30, 2024

Amazon has reportedly hired executives from Adept AI for its artificial general intelligence (AGI) project. David Luan, Adept’s co-founder and CEO, is set to join Amazon’s AGI autonomy team, Bloomberg News reported Friday (June 28), citing an internal memo. The report said four other Adept...