artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence
AI Walks Into a Bar: The Quest for Artificial Humor
June 29, 2024

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) can beat chess grandmasters and drive cars, researchers may face their toughest challenge: teaching machines to tell a good joke. As AI systems grow increasingly sophisticated, tackling everything from medical diagnoses to autonomous vehicles, a new frontier has...

artificial intelligence
AI Firms Aim to Build Engagement by Making Humanlike Chatbots
June 28, 2024

People are reportedly getting a little too friendly with chatbots. Some users are exchanging a high volume of messages with these artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tools and are in some cases attributing humanlike qualities to the chatbots, Bloomberg reported Friday (June 28). “One of the ethical concerns...

artificial intelligence
This Week in AI: Transforming Accounting, Governance, Energy Efficiency and Tech Investments
June 28, 2024

The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution drives transformative changes across various sectors, from accounting and regulatory frameworks to energy efficiency and tech infrastructure. Venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz reports AI’s potential to streamline accounting, while Google’s support for AI regulation highlights Big Tech’s call for responsible...

artificial intelligence
Microsoft Reveals AI Security Flaw That Threatens eCommerce and Financial Services
June 28, 2024

A newly discovered security vulnerability in artificial intelligence (AI) systems could pose significant risks to eCommerce platforms, financial services and customer support operations across industries. Microsoft has unveiled details of a technique called “Skeleton Key,” which can bypass ethical safeguards built into AI models businesses...

artificial intelligence
Toys R Us AI Commercial Signals Shift in Retail Marketing
June 28, 2024

Toys R Us has unveiled what it claims is the first-ever brand film using OpenAI’s new text-to-video tool, Sora. However, creatives are criticizing the move, saying it could be a sign that artificial intelligence (AI) is encroaching on their territory. The short film, “The Origin...

artificial intelligence
OpenAI, Microsoft Face Copyright Lawsuit by Mother Jones Publisher CIR
June 27, 2024

The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR), the nonprofit news organization that produces Mother Jones and Reveal, has sued OpenAI and that firm’s largest shareholder, Microsoft. CIR’s lawsuit alleges that the companies committed copyright violations, the nonprofit said in a Thursday (June 27) press release. “OpenAI...

artificial intelligence
Accounting Industry Ripe for GenAI Integration, Andreessen Horowitz Says
June 27, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to change the accounting industry, according to a new report from venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. As large language models (LLMs) continue to advance, AI is becoming a crucial component in various sectors, with accounting firms particularly eager to harness...

artificial intelligence
AI Surge Drives Tech Industry Growth for Micron, Alibaba and Perplexity
June 27, 2024

The artificial intelligence (AI) boom is reshaping the tech landscape, with industry giants and startups reporting significant gains and attracting major investments. Memory chip maker Micron Technology announced robust quarterly results fueled by AI demand, while eCommerce giant rolled out AI tools to empower...

artificial intelligence
AI Leading to New Tools, Job Cuts in Creative Industries
June 26, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to expand human creativity and enhance collaboration, but it may also lead to the disappearance of certain creative jobs. The future impact of AI on creativity and job security remains uncertain, CNBC reported Wednesday (June 26). Mira Murati, chief...