
Living On Bitcoin — For 1,095 Days
January 08, 2016

Every once and a while, there’s a quirky little story that pops up about people who attempt to live on bitcoin. Crazy concept, right? Not everyone thinks so. If you recall, PYMNTS interviewed a newlywed couple in June 2015 who spent their first 90 days of marriage...

Big Banks’ ‘Blockchain’ Bet Bursts Bitcoin’s Buttons
December 18, 2015

When MPD CEO Karen Webster wrapped up the year in payments last year, she had one simple request about bitcoin: to stick a fork in it. Simple, right? Perhaps someday. But while she awaits in hiding as the bitcoin community roots against her with as much...

Bitcoin’s Big Bust: Unmasking The ‘Real’ Satoshi Nakamoto
December 11, 2015

Will the real Satoshi Nakamoto please stand up?  Yes, here we go again … The biggest news that’s hit the bitcoin community since it became a thing hit the (virtual) news stands this week as bitcoin’s alleged creator was outed as the 44-year-old Australian Craig Steven...

Goldman’s Own Bitcoin And The $20M Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme
December 04, 2015

Could Goldman-coin be next? Well, it won’t exactly be called that, but maybe something along those lines. New reports indicate that Goldman Sachs is looking to develop its own version of bitcoin to be used for trading stocks, bonds and other types of assets across a...

Black Friday: The Bitcoin Edition
November 27, 2015

Black Friday + bitcoin = bad news. Or at least that’s what one might think. You know, black market sales, the underground operations, the Dark Web. But that’s not what we’re talking here. Black Friday for the bitcoin community is just another retail holiday, apparently....

Building The Cross-Border Blockchain Payments Rail
November 20, 2015

Align Commerce made the news this week after picking up a $12.5 million funding round, led by Kleiner Perkins — reportedly its first toe in the bitcoin waters. Align Commerce uses blockchain technology to move money efficiently and cost-effectively between parties around the world. Bitcoin is the...

Bitcoin’s Odd Nobel Nod And Blockchain’s Big Bank Bet
November 13, 2015

One of these is not like the other. Bitcoin has always been a bit of an outsider, but it now seems that it’s trying to find its way into the mainstream conversation. And in particular, via one very coveted award: the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences....

Bitcoin’s Day In The Sun Dimmed By Dimon’s Bluntness
November 06, 2015

It’s almost become a cliche to say bitcoin had another wacky week.  But when headlines like CNBC‘s (“Bitcoin spikes 70% in a month; nobody knows why”) hit the wires, it starts to stir up one simple question that bitcoin has yet to overcome: Can bitcoin...

Bye-Bye Bitcoin?
October 30, 2015

Bitcoin had its day in the sun (in Dec. 2013 when the price per bitcoin went through the roof), and since then, it’s been a bit dim. Until people started digging in and understanding the technology that makes bitcoin possible: blockchain. That seemed to give bitcoin...