
PYMNTS Daily Data Dive: Omnicommerce Trends
August 18, 2016

Marketing is an expensive but essential part of any business strategy, and often one with little bang for the buck. Also, determining how effective a firm’s PR is requires even more investment in systems that can monitor and analyze the effect of any marketing policy....

Foursquare’s Plan To Turn Data Into Dollars
August 18, 2016

If you believe the old adage that half of all ad dollars are wasted, retailers just don’t know which half, then close to $250B is being wasted on advertising. In August’s Omnicommerce Tracker™, Mike Harkey, Foursquare VP talks about how the granddaddy of check-ins is...

For Omni, Should Brands Shoot For The Stars Or Play It Safe?
August 08, 2016

The retail world is still embroiled in a love-hate relationship with omnicommerce. Few deny that it’s a necessity of running a modern brand, but plenty have experienced firsthand how the fine-tuning of detail on both the in-store and online side can elude even the best-meaning...

Does Amazon Hold The Key To Omnichannel’s Data Impasse?
August 01, 2016

There was a time when no matter what, the customer was always right. That kind of obsequious business philosophy might have worked when mom-and-pop shops defined the economic landscape, but companies the size of Amazon and Uber need to be a little more judicious with...

Time To Reinvent The Omni Experience?
August 01, 2016

Smartphones are now driving more traffic to stores than desktops, yet mobile phones are but one of many omni-endpoints that a merchant must be prepared to support in an increasingly tech-driven, consumer-centric shopping experience. July’s Omnicommerce Tracker dives into this topic with PayPal and uncovers...

Is Omni Entering A New Era?
July 29, 2016

Smartphones are now driving more traffic to stores than desktops – yet mobile phones are but one of many omni-endpoints that a merchant must be prepared to support in an increasingly tech-driven consumer-centric shopping experience. July’s Omnicommerce Tracker dives into this topic with PayPal and...

WooCommerce Fully Integrates With Square
July 27, 2016

For a retailer just starting out in the omnichannel world, picking commerce tools that support that flexible mission can seem like finding a needle in a haystack. However, two firms just teamed up to make their solution as end-to-end compatible as they could make it....

Warehouse Space Going For Premium Rates
July 14, 2016

Brick-and-mortar merchants are far from being free from the problems that plague their particular brand of retail, but even they have to look at online retail rising rents for warehouse space with a little bit of mirth. According to a new report from CBRE, things are about...

Is In-Store Beauty Immune From Online?
July 01, 2016

The accepted wisdom of the current retail reality is that no formerly brick-and-mortar brand can operate in a vacuum from the destabilizing effects of online sales. This presupposes that industries are essentially the same online and offline, though, and an entire market of brick-and-mortar cosmetics brands...