Point of Sale

Thousands Of PIN Pads Shut Down, But It’s Not A Breach
December 16, 2014

An East Coast supermarket chain opened for business on Dec. 8, only to find all of its payment terminals unresponsive — and it wasn’t alone. Last week, several thousand Hypercom payment card terminals at retailers across the country suddenly stopped working because of the expiration...

Inside NACHA’s Same-Day ACH Proposal
December 15, 2014

Enhanced functionality. Ubiquity. A business case. Three things that NACHA CEO and President Jan Estep says makes NACHA’s Same-Day ACH payments proposal not only attractive to the FIs and the payments ecosystem but a whole lot different from the proposal that was presented to banks...

Priceline.com To Accept Apple Pay Online
December 15, 2014

Priceline.com has integrated Apple Pay into its IOS app, allowing payment via Touch ID, saying that mobile users are much more likely to use it than Priceline’s desktop customers. “Our customers are smart, and on-the-go, and our mobile customers are two times more likely to...

Fixing The Holiday Donor Attrition Crisis
December 12, 2014

‘Tis the season for holiday discounts, a bit of showrooming, bumper-to-bumper shopping mall traffic – and for those of us feeling particularly generous, holiday charitable donations. But according to a recent survey, for every $100 in donations a charity receives, it loses $96 to donor...

The Apple PayPal Relationship Warms Up A Little
December 12, 2014

Apple started accepting PayPal in its online retail store in both the U.S. and the U.K. on Thursday (Dec. 11). Although the two companies have been exchanging words of not-niceness regarding its rivalry with mobile in-store payment (ApplePay versus in-store PayPal), its online relationship has...

Company Spotlight
The Big Problems mPOS Solves For Small Merchants
December 11, 2014

This holiday season, mPOS is on fire. In preparation for increased online and in-store sales, retailers have prepped themselves with these mobile devices to eliminate long lines and provide better customer service. This month’s ROAM mPOS Tracker report follows these players, and shows an increasing...

Another Payments Provider Hit With A Breach
December 11, 2014

Payments vendor Charge Anywhere has confirmed a data breach that may have exposed payment card numbers dating back to late 2009, Bank Info Security reported. The New Jersey company, which routes transactions from merchants to their payment processors, discovered malware on its systems on Sept....

With No IPO/Acquisition Plans, Square Free To Operate Very Differently
December 11, 2014

Jack Dorsey, the founder of both Twitter and Square, rebels against the Wall Street quarter-to-quarter mindset and plans to keep investing in Square until he sees fit to shift it to profitability. In an interview with the New York Times, Dorsey bridled when asked about...

Square Tops $100 Million Sales-Day
December 11, 2014

For the first in its five-year history, Square reported on Wednesday (Dec. 10), it’s sellers processed more than $100 million in sales in a single day.  And that day was Friday (Dec. 5). Just in case anyone cares, the company released some of the stats...