Point of Sale

Better Access for Mobile POS From Thumbzup
December 03, 2014

South Africa’s Thumbzup is ready to launch a better version of its low-cost smartphone to make mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) more affordable and accessible through a one-stop option. The company’s upgraded version of Pebble, AKA “the Payment Blade,” is now available as a smartphone that comes standard...

Apple Pay
NCR Silver Merchants Prefer Bitcoin to Apple Pay
December 02, 2014

Small businesses using NCR’s Silver tablet-based point-of-sale system are steadily asking about bitcoin but not showing much interest in Apple Pay, NCR product manager Reggie Kimble told Finextra. NCR introduced bitcoin as a payment option for Silver in early November, after significant hesitation in supporting...

Five Ways “Webrooming” Is Changing Holiday Retail This Year
December 01, 2014

Two years ago “showrooming” was something of a boogey-man for brick-and-mortar retailers. In 2012, analysts were writing the early drafts of Best Buy’s obituary, mostly centered on the big box store’s transformation into a demo center for Amazon and eBay customers. At the time, the...

The History Of Cyber- Monday
December 01, 2014

Today will mark the tenth time that consumers whose need to spend was not quite quelled during the long Thanksgiving weekend, will return to work and carry-on commerce in one of the latest holiday season retail rituals, Cyber-Monday. While its easy to overlook Cyber-Monday in...

MasterCard’s Take On Black Friday
November 28, 2014

Sarah Quinlan, SVP and Group Head of Market Insights for MasterCard Advisors looked into her Black Friday crystal ball and shared all that she saw with MPD CEO Karen Webster. Quinlan has some interesting predictions for who’s going to thrive and why the role of...

Nine Ways Mobile Is Changing Everything We Do
November 27, 2014

Today Americans are giving thanks—they are thankful for their families, their bountiful Thanksgiving feasts, their football games and the beginning of another holiday season. However grateful they are though, few Americans today will likely remember to give thanks for the life and work of Martin...

Apple Pay, By The Day
November 27, 2014

Hard to believe it was just 30 days ago that Apple Pay officially launched and even harder to believe how different the ecosystem is today as opposed to what it was 31 days ago.  Some are firmly in the camp that Apple’s entrance into payments...

The Real History Of Black Friday
November 27, 2014

Pop Quiz: Why is the day after Thanksgiving called Black Friday? If you answered “because that is the day that retailers go ‘into the black,’” you are sadly mistaken. Though that is a pop retail folklore, it’s not technically true. In fact, Black Friday first...

Apple Pay
How Well Does Apple Pay Play With Others?
November 27, 2014

Apple Pay has been out and available to consumers for just about a month now, but the real test hasn’t started yet. The true test for Apple Pay will be the annual retail gamut that officially kicks off on Friday (or Thursday if you’re at Walmart)...