Point of Sale

Passwords: The Love-Hate Relationship Payments Wants To Break Up
November 26, 2014

Passwords — they’re a love-hate relationship. Love the (supposed) security, but hate the nuance of remembering what favorite dog or past college crush the password was framed around. It’s a peculiar paradox, that the payments industry is working to transition away from traditional passwords. Yet, among the...

Discover Sues Visa, Alleging Illegal Anti-Competitive Tactics
November 26, 2014

Discover on Tuesday (Nov. 25) sued Visa, slamming the card brand with antitrust violation accusations. The court’s issue: Is Visa just an aggressive company or did it cross the line? “In order to maintain its monopoly, Visa has undertaken a series of illegal actions that...

New B2B Gift Card Guide
November 25, 2014

The Gift Card Network has released digital and physical versions of the third, 2014 edition of the GCN B2B Guide, focused on Sustainability in B2B. The firm calls it “a resource for buyers and sellers in the B2B gift card industry, along with vital information for...

Will Omnicommerce Drive Black Friday Sales?
November 25, 2014

Retail folklore pegs the day after Thanksgiving as the day when retailers went “in the black” and began making a profit and marked the official start to the holiday shopping season. That hasn’t been the case of late but this year, there’s every indication that...

Apple Pay
Apple Pay Users 3X More Likely To Spend $250 Or More
November 24, 2014

A consumer survey has Apple Pay users saying that they are three times more likely to spend $250 or more than those using other mobile wallets, according to a Computerworld story about the survey from Retale. But like everything else in life, context is everything....

Sephora Accepts Apple Pay In Store
November 24, 2014

When almost three quarters of a store’s customers are also holding iPhones, an integration with Apple Pay seems a natural moved. Sephora, whose internal data indicates that around 70 percent of their in-store customers are also iPhone owners was not able to offer Apple Pay...

Loyalty & Rewards
New App Replaces Grocery Coupons
November 24, 2014

In the beginning there was Honey, and the the app found help shoppers save at checkout, and the app was good.  And then the creators of of Honey launched Milk (get it:  Milk and Honey) to help consumer save at the grocery store, and brought with...

Point of Sale
PCH Trying to Buy Fab For $15 Million
November 21, 2014

PCH International is trying to buy Fab for $15 million in a half cash and half stock deal, TechCrunch is reporting. “If it does happen, we’ve been told that some assets will be rolled into Fab founder Jason Goldberg’s new furniture design company Hem and...

Apple Pay
MasterCard: Security Is Nice, Functionality Is Better
November 21, 2014

MasterCard sees mobile payment security as crucial, but it’s power is relevant only to the point that shoppers are actually using it. And with Apple Pay, that is starting to happening meaningfully. In a talk with analysts on Wednesday (Nov. 19), Ed McLaughlin, the chief...