Point of Sale

Apple Pay
Apple Pay By The Numbers
November 07, 2014

The mobile wallet wars make strange bedfellows. This week, CurrentC stayed on the defensive while Google could be heard singing Apple’s praises as the rising Apple Pay NFC tide has lifted all boats (albeit very, very slightly). In other news, Burger King decided to jump...

Apple Pay
Why did you do this Walgreens?
November 07, 2014

Like many young parents across America, I spend a lot of time at Walgreens. If fact, as I am not such a “younger” parent anymore, I find myself spending more time then I would like there. I have found Walgreens to be a reasonably good...

Mobile POS Services Skyrocket
November 07, 2014

Mobile POS activity is soaring, with about 1.2 million MPOS having been shipped to MasterCard merchants globally, according to a new report from Ovum Consulting and Mahindra Comviva. “In a world of anywhere commerce, the point of sale is fundamentally changing. It is moving from...

Apple Pay
Whole Foods Sees More Than 150K Apple Pay Transactions
November 07, 2014

Since going live with Apple Pay last month, the $14.2 billion 401-store Whole Foods grocery chain has used the mobile wallet to process more than 150,000 transactions, according to CIO Jason Buechel. But the chain doesn’t solely see Apple Pay as a payment mechanism. During...

How Home Depot Got Hacked
November 07, 2014

Home Depot on Thursday (Nov. 6) reported that, in addition to the data for 56 million payment cards that was stolen, thieves also grabbed 53 million customer E-mail addresses. How was this all done? New details on that confirmed that “criminals used a third-party vendor’s...

Apple Pay
Apple Pay May Be Dragging NFC and Google Wallet Forward in Its Wake
November 06, 2014

Apple Pay is driving NFC volume up and pulling Apple’s NFC rivals along with it, according to preliminary reports.  In a speech this week, a Walgreens executive–Deepika Pandey, group vice president, digital marketing & customer experience—said that her chain has seen in-store NFC payments double...

MCX CEO Comes Up With Reasons To Use His Service
November 06, 2014

After several days of defensive interviews about merchant restrictions and an E-mail data breach, the CEO of MCX is finally talking up advantages for shoppers to try the CurrentC system to be rolled out next year. “When you go to the gas station today, you’ll...

Square’s Number Of Transactions Now Top One Billion
November 06, 2014

Taking a page from McDonald’s legendary XX billions of hamburgers served signs, Square founder Jack Dorsey tweeted on Wednesday (Nov. 5) that a Sacramento merchant has recently accepted Square’s one-billionth swipe through Square. The tweet, sent in the early afternoon, is an impressive datapoint for...

Amex’s Terminal Subsidy Initiative
November 06, 2014

American Express is about to launch a $10 million campaign aimed at helping small U.S. retailers meet the October 2015 deadline for installing EMV chip-and-PIN point-of-sale terminals, Business Solutions reported. Under the program, which starts in February, Amex will reimburse small merchants $100 after they...