Point of Sale

Apple Pay
An Alipay, Apple Pay “Marriage”?
October 28, 2014

Alibaba’s executive chairman, Jack Ma, said late Monday (Oct. 27) that Alibaba would like to partner with Apple on financial payments, but offered no details on what such a deal might look like. “I hope we can do something together,” Ma said, according to a...

Verifone Gets Real Boost From Apple Pay
October 28, 2014

Wall Street is starting to notice the many benefactors of payments changed fueled by Apple Pay and at the top of that list is now VeriFone, reports Barron’s. The rationale is that Apple Pay will push a new wave of POS upgrades to support NFC....

Apple Pay
The Real Reason Rite Aid Dumped Apple Pay
October 27, 2014

Ring, ring. Hi, Rite Aid. This is CurrentC (or a CurrentC rep) calling. You might not remember this since it was a few years and several marketing executives ago, but you signed a contract that pledged your undying and exclusive love to our own proprietary...

Apple Pay
The Scariest Things In Payments
October 27, 2014

The Scariest Things In Payments Friday is Halloween, a holiday in the U.S. that involves people – young and old – dressing up in (sometimes) scary costumes and going door to door “trick or treat-ing” for candy. It’s a pretty big deal where I live...

Tim Cook Says China “Top Of The List For Apple Pay”
October 26, 2014

When exploring global expansion for Apple Pay, China is the highest priority for Apple CEO Tim Cook, even though the service has yet to launch there. Cook, in an interview with China’s influential Xinhua News Agency, said that he wants to understand the Chinese payment...

Apple Pay
Rite Aid Dumps Apple Pay
October 24, 2014

After accepting Apple Pay at all of its stores on the Apple Pay launch day on Monday (Oct. 20), the $26 billion 4,600-store Rite Aid pharmacy chain apparently changed its mind and yanked support from those stores Wednesday (Oct. 22), with no official explanation, according...

QuickBooks New Online Version Integrates With PayPal, Square
October 23, 2014

Intuit’s QuickBooks accounting package—popular with small businesses—has cut deals with PayPal and Square in an attempt to boost its online offering, reports VentureBeat. “QuickBooks Online hasn’t received much attention over the years. Launched in 2000, it only had 100,000 paid subscribers in 2009, compared to...

Apple Pay Fail: Double Charges For Transactions
October 23, 2014

When retailers began accepting Apple Pay on Monday (Oct. 20), it was inevitable that there would be glitches. So far, there seems to be about 1,000 of them, most notably in the form of double-charges at various Apple Pay partner retailers for customers presenting their...

Apple Pay
Apple’s Compliance Cakewalk
October 22, 2014

Apple Pay’s decision to use tokens has some fringe benefits beyond allowing retailers to get money without storing payment credentials. Like many token efforts, because Apple Pay is not storing the payment credentials, the Wall Street Journal points out, it can avoid a lot of...