Point of Sale

Smile! MasterCard Toys With Mobile Facial Recognition For Payments
September 22, 2014

MasterCard is labeling “successful” a biometrics payments trial (facial plus voice) where more than 14,000 transactions were confirmed in a closed iOS and Android pilot using only MasterCard employees, according to a Computerworld report. An employee-only trial would ostensibly solely be a test of the...

Karen Webster
Who Will Run “Android Pay?”
September 22, 2014

While the world’s now focused on Apple Pay, there’s another “A” player that’s just as capable of shaking things up in mobile payments. Android. Except that there’s just one problem, well actually there are five, that are getting in the way of making it the...

Apple Pay
Apple Pay Beefs Up Security, But Point of Sale Still Under Threat
September 19, 2014

There’s little debate that Apple Pay is going to sharply boost mobile payment security. After all, replacing signature or a 4-digit shoulder-surfing-vulnerable PIN with a biometric authentication is a big step in the right direction. No authentication system is perfect, but being more secure than...

B2B Payments
Alibaba: From Start to Now (And Wow)
September 18, 2014

The Alibaba Primer Jack Ma turned his 1995 launch of Chinapages.com into a global internet presence that has dwarfed both eBay and Amazon by doing one thing very well: understanding the constraints of doing business in China (and capitalizing on them) as well as the...

Subway’s NFC Play With Softcard
September 18, 2014

Sandwich chain Subway will roll out NFC-based mobile payments on Oct. 1 at 26,000 U.S. locations, The Paypers reported — and they won’t use Apple’s new Apple Pay. The sandwich giant will be expanding a pilot it started in 2013 with Softcard, the mobile payments...

iOS Bug Makes It Impossible To Swipe Cards
September 18, 2014

With the release of the iOS 8 yesterday came the launch of the first major bug in iOS 8.  An email from customer service sent from Pay Simple yesterday alerted users that there is a widespread functionality problem in iOS8 that makes swiping credit cards...

B2B Payments
All The News That’s Fit To Print: Alibaba Edition
September 18, 2014

With 49 percent of securities professional looking to own a piece of the world’s largest e-commerce conglomerate, Alibaba is what we are going to be talking about for the next few weeks. Some analysts are beating the crowds, and PYMNTs has organized the top 15...

Merchant Innovation
The New iPad Set To Drop October 15
September 18, 2014

Apple will launch two new iPads and release the next version of its Mac operating system at an event on Oct. 21, Reuters reported on Wednesday (Sept. 17), citing media reports. Apple wouldn’t comment on the reports. Analysts had questioned the lack of an iPad...

Why Merchants Shouldn’t Chase Shiny Objects in Cross-Border Markets
September 18, 2014

Merchants looking to sell in cross-border markets should take note of important rule: “Do your homework,” says Souheil Badran, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Digital River. In a recent interview with MPD CEO Karen Webster, Badran broke down the top strategies for merchants who...