Point of Sale

Exclusive Series
Taking a “High-Speed Elevator” to Retail’s Future
September 17, 2014

Retailers are dealing with a “tripod” situation, says Rahul Mutha, CEO of Aurus Inc. The challenges of addressing EMV, breaches and the changing demands of their customers create a complex environment for retailers to both understand and navigate. But this is something that Mutha and...

Apple Pay | Winners, Losers And Question Marks
September 15, 2014

Regardless of Apple Pay’s long run success, we’ve all just witnessed an inflection point in payments – a point in time after which nothing will ever be the same. What happens over the next three to five years will likely decide the direction of payments...

Apple Talked To Square About Being Acquired. It Didn’t Go Well
September 15, 2014

Apple recently approached Square about becoming part of the Apple family, but talks ended abruptly when Apple was only willing to pay $3 billion, which is half of the company’s current valuation, according to a report in TechCrunch. “TechCrunch has heard from multiple sources that...

Apple Pay
McDonald’s Pushes Apple Pay Out The Window
September 15, 2014

McDonald’s Chief Digital Officer Atif Rafiq was talking with a reporter last week about how “seamless” and easy McDonald’s will incorporate ApplePay, which makes sense given how the chain has been accepting contactless payments for years. (We didn’t say that they had accepted a lot of...

Apple Pay
Why Walmart Said No To Apple Pay
September 15, 2014

Given that Walmart’s own mobile payment plan—MCX, now branded as CurrentC—has no plans to go live nationally until next year, the world’s largest retail chain will not initially support Apple Pay, which is accepted to start accepting payments next month. But the anti-interchange mode of...

Apple Pay Recommends Six Processors—And PayPal’s Not One Of Them
September 15, 2014

On the one hand, Apple and PayPal have been partners for almost a decade, notes ReadWrite, going all of the way to the early iTunes Music Store days. But given that PayPal has been actively pushing its own mobile payment app as a retail in-store...

Home Depot Cyberthieves Took Advantage of Security Upgrade Delays
September 15, 2014

For those corporate employees who get frustrated by the slowness of decisions and the glacial pace of deployments, take comfort in the fact that this slowness was a gift for cyberthieves who wanted to—and successfully did—attack Home Depot. The attackers literally took advantage of the...

Apple Pay Drives Verifone Sales
September 12, 2014

The announcement by Apple that they are going into the payments business as been good news point of sale tech maker Verifone. Currently less that 20 percent of U.S. payment terminals are NFC-ready, reports Bloomberg, a fact that may now change now that Apple is...

Why Big Retail Looks To SMB For How To Innovate
September 12, 2014

As the POS terminals evolve with the coming of feature-rich new payment devices, small businesses are gravitating toward adopting them, including cloud-based tablet solutions that crowd the marketplace. In a recent podcast interview, MPD CEO Karen Webster caught up with PayAnywhere CEO Marc Gardner to...