Binance and Trust Hold Tight to Top Spot in Latest Crypto Wallet Ranking

crypto wallet

In this edition of the PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Crypto Wallets we see some movers and shakers and one newcomer. Wirex fell, leaving room for SafePay to climb in the lower half. Our upper half remains pretty consistent. Let’s see how things stand.

The Top 5 

The No. 1 spot is left unchanged in a tie between Binance and Trust – Crypto and Bitcoin Wallet, each with a perfect score of 100. is also left untouched at No. 2, scoring 93.

No. 3 goes to MetaMask – Blockchain Wallet gaining 4 points for a score of 84. Wallet is unmoved at No. 4 scoring 79 points.

No. 5 is Bitcoin Wallet with a score of 70, just two points less than before.

The Top 10

SafePal – Crypto Wallet jumps up a ranking to No. 6, scoring 63 points.

Wirex Card and Multicurrency Crypto Wallet falls down the ranking to No.7 with a score of 56.

No. 8 remains Exodus: Crypto Bitcoin Wallet with a new score of 54, two points higher than before.

No. 9 goes to BitPay with a score of 50.

At No. 10 is newcomer Gemini to close out the rankings with a score of 39.