Binance and Coinbase Share Top Spot in PYMNTS Crypto App Provider Ranking

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This edition of the PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Cryptocurrency Apps sees a tie fall apart, resulting in a trickle effect of rankings. But one tie remains unchanged: Binance and Coinbase still share the No. 1 ranking, proving to be difficult to shake up this round.

Here’s how the latest ranking looks:

The Top 5 

No. 1 is still tied between Binance and Coinbase, with each tallying a perfect score of 100.

Bybit jumps up to No. 2, scoring 98 points.

No. 3 remains with OKEx — Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency with a score of 90. falls down to No. 4, scoring 89 points.

KuCoin is left unchanged at No. 5 with a score of 69.

The Top 10

No. 6 is Blockchain Wallet: Buy Bitcoin, gaining two more points to come in with a score of 68.

Huobi lands at No.7 with a new score of 58.

BitPay falls down the ranking to No. 8 for a score of 53.

No. 9 goes to BitMart with a consistent score of 47.

Wrapping our top 10 is  Kraken Pro, scoring 46 points.