Intel Shakes Up Leadership As President Departs

Intel Corporation’s CEO Brian Krzanich announced late last week that Intel President Renée James will be stepping down from her role as of January 2016 to seek a CEO role elsewhere.

With over 25 years at the company, James is the highest-ranking woman ever at Intel, as well as one of the most prominent female executives in Silicon Valley, The Wall Street Journal reported.

“When Brian and I were appointed to our current roles, I knew then that being the leader of a company was something that I desired as part of my own leadership journey. Now is the right time for me to take that next step,” James said in a letter to Intel employees about her decision to leave the company.

“Intel has been my second family. It is an amazing company that has changed the way people live their lives, and I am proud to have contributed to that in a meaningful way,” she added.

James said she was proud of the “significant progress” the company has made over the years and highlighted some more recent corporate achievements, including a diversity and inclusion initiative and a new approach to philanthropy and giving.

“We are aligning our leadership structure to continue to become more efficient in order to deliver the benefits of our strategy even faster than before,” Krzanich said in a company release.

“Over the past 28 years, Renée has contributed immeasurably to Intel,” he continued. “On behalf of the Board and management team, we sincerely thank Renée for her tireless efforts toward building the business that we have today, and we fully support her in this decision.”

The news of James’ departure came with several other management and organizational changes for the chipmaker, aimed to “streamline operations and better position Intel for growth.”

A new leader was announced for Intel’s product and research teams, which focuses on creating and deploying new technology categories, including wearables, perceptual computing and interactive computing devices. The mergers and acquisitions team will join Intel Capital under one leader in order to allow the company to better focus on investment opportunities.

The company also plans to enhance its Intel Security organization through the integration of the formerly independent McAfee division, which it said will “deliver better technologies for our customers and more effective operations that enable Intel Security to advance the state of security across the industry.”

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