Urban FT To Power Sprint Mobile Play — Sprint Money Express

Urban FT, a provider of white-label banking applications for banks (and non-bank issuers), is teaming up with Sprint.

Going forward, Urban FT’s platform will be the power behind Sprint Money Express — a joint initiative between the tech firm and the telco. Set to launch in January 2016, Sprint Money Express is designed to give Sprint customers access to banking functions, social features and specifically targeted loyalty offers.

“Its sleek and modern design with intuitive functionality sets it apart from other digital wallets in the marketplace. I feel Sprint is the first of the wireless telcos to develop the right formula — one that successfully pairs customers’ needs and wants with relevant and meaningful functionality,” said Richard Steggall, CEO and co-founder of Urban FT.

Sprint Money Express will additionally allow Sprint customers access to a Sprint-branded prepaid MasterCard, the ability to aggregate other cards and accounts into a single digital wallet and a superior ability to use their mobile phone as a tool to manage finances and budgets.

“Our objective with Sprint Money Express is very simple. We want to give Sprint customers relevant and meaningful functionality that solves a need. This new service does exactly that and is something we and Sprint are very pleased to have demonstrated at Finovate today. As we move forward, we are continuing to work with Sprint to roll out additional features to meet their customers’ evolving needs. These include contactless NFC payments, as well as carrier billing options. We expect these features to be available to customers in the second half of 2016,” noted Mark Kilpatrick, chief product officer at Urban FT.

Steggall further noted: “We have seen a number of organizations, including carriers themselves, make progress in this space. What Sprint and Urban FT have unveiled today clearly differentiates Sprint Money Express from the others and meets a clear market need. We look forward to working with our partners, including MasterCard Incorporated, ePay Worldwide and Ria Financial Services, in successfully rolling out this service.”

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