Where And When Consumers Check Email

So now we know why everyone takes so long in the bathroom.

They’re checking email. And doing other stuff, of course. But checking email, too, according to a study from Adobe cited by TechCrunch on Thursday (Aug. 27). As many as 42 percent of Americans have time in the stall to devote to texting and other electronic communication.

That discovery comes amid Adobe’s delve into how email is used (which, as TechCrunch notes, dovetails with the company’s email marketing services). In reference to other Adobe-published statistics on email use, 87 percent of those surveyed said they check work-related email in the home, and 70 percent use television time to check their accounts. And there’s truly no rest for the half of respondents who check email while in bed or on vacation. A minority, or 18 percent, noted TechCrunch, flout safety rules and check their devices while driving. That behavior skews younger as 27 percent of people between the age of 18 and 34 do so while behind the steering wheel.

In fact millennials — those most defined by social media and all manner of instantaneous communication — are relatively more likely to keep tabs on email than other groups via mobile.

It’s hard to break the habit, as four in 10 of those surveyed found that a “self-imposed email detox” didn’t go much beyond five days, on average. That offers up an indication of just how sticky email, which has been derided in at least some corners as being a dead technology, really is. That also indicates, as TechCrunch notes, that email marketers have plenty of opportunities to reach eyeballs both now and in the future.

And there’s more obsession to come, as half of the Adobe subjects said that they expect email to increase over the next two years.

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