Navro Names PayPal Vet Colin Moss-Davies as Revenue Chief

global currencies

British payments firm Navro has named a PayPal veteran to serve as its chief revenue officer.

Colin Moss-Davies, PayPal’s former head of sales, was named to his new position Thursday (March 21), Navro said in a news release provided to PYMNTS.

“Having operated in the FinTech space for 25 years, Colin has been instrumental in creating high-performance teams and aligning marketing, sales and revenue management to create profitable and competitive businesses,” the release said.

Moss-Davies was previously director and head of sales for eCommerce payment gateway Braintree Payments before it was bought by PayPal in 2013.

In addition to his time with PayPal, he also served as vice president of sales for digital commercial financial platform Juni.

Now he’s a part of Navro, which until last month was known as Paytrix. The company rebranded as it embarked on its goal of becoming what it calls the first “payments curation platform, where businesses can quickly access genuinely local collection accounts and real-time payout rails,” per an announcement in February.

(The name Navro, the company said, encompasses the words “navigation” and “growth.”)

“It’s an incredible opportunity to work for a company that is disrupting cross-border payments with such clear direction, pioneering technology, and a ‘regulation first’ approach,” Moss-Davies said in the news release.

“Colin’s appointment aligns with our commitment to hire only the very best in their field to help us build the world’s first payments curation platform,” Navro Co-founder and CEO Aran Brown said.

“We’re delighted to have him on board — his experience is invaluable and will be hugely advantageous in developing revenue and sales as we engage more customers in more markets.”

Recent research by PYMNTS Intelligence and Nuvei has examined the hurdles of making cross-border transactions, with failed payments costing merchants in the U.S. an estimated $3.8 billion per year.

As noted here last month, merchants who depend on cross-border sales report an average cross-border payment failure rate of 11%, notably larger than the failure rate seen by their less internationally focused counterparts.

“This pain point is more acute for mid-sized firms in the $250 million to $500 million revenue range,” PYMNTS wrote. “Additionally, 82% of merchants struggle to diagnose the causes of failed payments, highlighting the need for robust solutions.”