Proprietary Data Studies

PYMNTS® Studies® encompass a broad range of research projects and analysis focused on various aspects of the payments and financial industries.

    Companies seeking certainty amidst a macro backdrop of ongoing uncertainty are investing in technology while staying ahead of innovation.
    As innovation continues to shape the landscape, prioritizing security and risk management can become a growth engine rather than a cost center.
    As businesses tentatively return to a growth mindset, using payments innovation and embracing digital transformation is emerging as a crucial strategy.

    The post-pandemic growth for most Main Street businesses surpasses analysts’ expectations.
    Main Street businesses in the construction and remodeling sectors have seen the most significant upticks in both growth and wages.
    U.S. Main Street businesses in the Mountain states have experienced a 53% growth surge in the last decade.

    SMBs have maintained a relatively low risk of closure over the past year, even as the U.S. business bankruptcy rate has risen.
    Closure risk varies among SMBs, yet larger ones offering more diverse sales channels have the lowest risk of shutting down.
    Overall, the risk that SMBs close is now 44% less than three years ago.

  • 25%: Portion of consumers in Japan who are highly satisfied with lending options
  • 21%: Share of embedded lending users who feel fees or interest rates are too high
  • 56%: Portion of Gen Z consumers reporting strong interest in using embedded lending
  • 64%: Portion of healthcare provider SMBs that are highly interested in sending real-time payments
  • 61%: Share of healthcare provider SMBs that sent real-time payments that cite speed as a primary reason
  • 31%: Portion of healthcare provider SMBs that did not send real-time payments that cite increased risk of fraud as a concern
  • 77%: Portion of CEMEA Growth Corporates that report accessing working capital improved business metrics and buyer-supplier relationships
  • 60%: Share of CEMEA Growth Corporates that used external financing for strategic purposes
  • 39%: Portion of agriculture Growth Corporates in CEMEA that accessed working capital loans in 2023
  • 28%: Portion of non-card-linked offer users who plan to begin using them
  • 73%: Share of nonusers who say they are not at all or only slightly familiar with card-linked offer programs
  • 55%: Portion of consumers who say cash-back rewards would influence their decision to begin using card-linked offers

    Paycheck-to-paycheck consumers cite a variety of reasons for their financial lifestyle, with Gen Z the most likely to cite splurging on nonessentials as a financial stressor.
    Despite more indulgent spending behaviors, young adults have higher savings relative to their annual income.
    Gen Z consumers are more likely to cite buying a home or car as top financial goals, and less likely to cite retirement.

  • 46%: Portion of high-income shoppers who use Click-and-Mortar™ shopping features; this peaks for low-income shoppers, with 53% adopting these strategies
  • 74%: Rise in satisfaction scores among Brazil’s Click-and-Mortar™ shoppers compared to in-store-only shoppers
  • 7: Average number of the 21 digital shopping features merchants in Brazil already offer that consumers cannot find
  • 81%: Share of SMBs that receive ad hoc payments in exchange for both products and services in a typical year
  • 25%: Portion of SMB receivers that reported poor payment timing as their biggest challenge in processing ad hoc payments
  • 57%: Share of SMB receivers willing to pay a fixed fee for instant payments

    More than half of middle-market CFOs interviewed said that challenges in receiving payment contribute significantly to their uncertainty.
    Surveyed CFOs whose business customers have more than 30 net days to pay an invoice attributed 4.6%, or $19 million, in lost revenue to payment uncertainty.
    Fifty-five percent of middle-market firms would be willing to pay 3% of the invoice amount to accept payment using a solution that automates invoicing approval and payment to deliver certainty.

  • Women living alone have a 20% higher Wellness Index score than the average woman.
  • Women spend 7.9% less on their own health than men do, which can negatively impact their health outcomes.
  • Millennial single moms have a 33% lower Wellness Index score than women who live alone.

    Main Street SMB’s revenue growth exceeded nominal GDP Growth in 2023, reversing a yearslong trend.
    In January 2024, more than half of Main Street SMBs reported increasing revenues.
    Older SMBs are growing more slowly than younger ones: In January 2024, just 27% of Main Street SMBs that have been in business for more than 20 years reported increasing revenues.

  • 39%: Portion of ad hoc payments that gig economy companies made via instant methods
  • 4%: Share of senders citing the cost of instant rails as biggest challenge they faced processing ad hoc payments in the last year, down from 22% in September 2023
  • 67%: Portion of senders that believe consumers would select instant for refunds when offered
  • 68%: Portion of merchants citing customer satisfaction as a security-related challenge
  • 53%: Share of merchants using per-transaction 2FA
  • 5%: Average failed payments rate for merchants using outsourced anti-fraud processes
  • 73%: Portion of APAC Growth Corporates planning on using virtual cards for strategic purposes in 2024
  • 29%: Share of healthcare and medical Growth Corporates in APAC using working capital loans
  • 38%: Portion of APAC commercial travel Growth Corporates using external financing for growth

    Banks are evolving in the wake of the great digital shift to offer robust omnichannel experiences.
    They need to collaborate with FinTechs and use data to fine-tune their services and products — and take a cue from eCommerce giants.
    The branch will become a key competitive advantage to maintain customer loyalty and a personalized, high-touch, high-value-add experience.

    Turnout for the Big Spring Sale was around 29% lower than turnout for Prime Days events, although that still represents 28% of U.S. consumers.
    42% of consumers who did not participate had no idea the event was going on.
    Unlike Prime Days, this sale was open to nonsubscribers, and nearly 1 in 4 Prime nonmembers who participated in the event ended up subscribing to Prime.

  • 40%: Portion of digital shopping features that U.S. SMBs provide that consumers want but cannot find
  • 46%: Portion of SMBs in the UAE that only use digital channels to sell retail products
  • 14: Average number of digital features retail SMBs offer and plan to enhance

    Despite signals of less financial distress, consumer engagement with supplemental income is common, and supplemental income is central to the financial health of nearly one-third of consumers
    Top earners are the most likely to engage with side hustles, and more top earners earn active supplemental income than passive supplemental income.
    3 in 10 consumers sold a used item in the 12 months, and resale channel engagement correlates with age more than with financial standing, suggesting that the used item market may remain a key tool for consumers.

  • 77%: Portion of consumers who would choose instant payments to receive disbursements when given the option
  • 48%: Share of consumers who received at least one government disbursement in the past year
  • 32%: Portion of consumers who regularly use instant to receive their disbursements
  • 59%: Share of U.K. consumers who last shopped in-store for groceries
  • 34%: Share of U.K. consumers who want a free shipping feature but fail to find it
  • 92%: Share of U.K. consumers who last shopped fully remotely reporting a satisfaction increase with digital assistance relative to in-store-only shopping
  • 46%: Portion of consumers highly willing to use open banking payments for at least one product or service
  • 66%: Share of millennials highly willing to use open banking payments for at least one product or service
  • 6: Average number of websites or apps that Gen Z consumers connect their bank accounts to

    47% of CFOs from smaller middle-market firms face considerable levels of uncertainty, and they are more than twice as likely to face this as the largest middle-market firms.
    35% of middle-market firms say uncertainty led to missed opportunities last year.
    CFOs that identify excess inventory costs as the biggest source of uncertainty report that more than 6% of annual revenue — or $33 million — was lost.

  • 83%: Portion of PayFacs highly interested in digital wallet innovations
  • 57%: Share of marketplaces highly interested in further innovating their existing digital wallet offerings
  • 50%: Portion of ISVs currently offering digital wallet solutions and highly interested in innovating further

    In Q4 2023, Amazon’s gross sales reached $209 billion, up 17% from the same quarter last year.
    Food and beverage remains Walmart’s province. The company’s share of sales in that market for 2023 stands at nearly 19%.
    Amazon has extended its leadership in key discretionary categories such as home furnishings, electronics and clothing.
    Both retailers are still undisputed champions in the retail aren; collectively, they account for 6.5% of all 2023 U.S. consumer spending.

  • 7.9%: Portion of CU members say they switched to their CU because their previous FI lacked sufficient online and mobile banking
  • 18%: Share of CU members who want their FI to provide budgeting tools in the next three years
  • 12%: Portion of CU members who say they switched to their current CU because their previous FI did not have branches nearby.
  • 69%: Share of millennials who were very or extremely satisfied by the savings they received through card-linked offers.
  • 76%: Share of card-linked offer users who referred friends and family to at least some of the card-linked offers they received
  • 77%: Share of cardholders with children who used card-linked offers for at least a few of their 2023 holiday purchases

    More consumer-facing commerce and B2B transactions are moving online, and merchants and FIs must re-examine their security and authentication protocols.
    There’s room for advanced technologies such as biometrics and AI to be used as tools in multi-factor authentication.
    The key challenge remains the balancing act between friction and a seamless user experience.

  • 85%: Portion of marketplaces in the media and telecom sector expressing strong interest in digital wallet innovations
  • 33%: Share of PayFacs in the media and telecom segment very or extremely interested in starting to offer installment plans
  • 36%: Portion of ISVs in the media and telecom segment naming regulation and compliance as the biggest challenge in bringing innovations to market
  • 53%: Portion of consumers who believe online marketplaces are the best at offering consumers’ preferred methods
  • 8: Average number of carts consumers abandoned on brands’ sites
  • 48%: Portion of consumers who prefer to purchase electronics on online marketplaces
  • 48%: Portion of consumers earning more than $100K who lived paycheck to paycheck as of January 2024
  • 28%: Share of high-income shoppers who have purchased lower quality products due to price increases
  • 20%: Portion of consumers earning $200K+ who cite unexpected expenses as the top reason they have not had a fixed savings routine in the last three months
  • 81%: Portion of FIs that report they are able to offer secure real-time payments
  • 35%: Share of FIs that feel the benefits of open banking outweigh the risks
  • 78%: Share of FIs experiencing increased fraud that report they are able to offer secure real-time payments
  • 69%: Share of merchants highly interested in innovative fraud management tools
  • 82%: Portion of merchants that find it difficult to identify causes of failed payments
  • $3.8B: Estimated losses by U.S. merchants in 2023 due to failed cross-border payments
  • 92%: Share of commercial travel European Growth Corporates that used financing in 2023
  • 37%: Share of commercial travel European Growth Corporates that used financing to cover shortfalls and emergencies
  • 33%: Share of European Growth Corporates planning to use working capital loans as their primary working capital solution in 2024
  • 65%: Share of Click-and-Mortar™ shoppers experiencing an increase in customer satisfaction over those who shop with no digital assistance in the U.S.
  • 76%: Portion of shoppers in the U.S. who want the ability to use their preferred payment method
  • 24%: Portion of digital features that consumers want but fail to find from a lack of knowledge
  • 45%: Share of millennials who have adopted the Click-and-Mortar™ shopping model
  • 57%: Share of parents with children at home who pursue Click-and-Mortar™ shopping experiences
  • 7: Average number of additional digital features that merchants who anticipate revenue growth offer compared to merchants not expecting revenue growth

    A recent New York Fed survey shows most Americans believe their financial conditions and expectations are improving.
    A concurrent PYMNTS Intelligence survey found U.S. consumers to be similarly upbeat; however, most expressed “tempered optimism.”
    PYMNTS Intelligence found that many consumers anticipate a tougher job market, reduced wage growth and increased interest rates in 2024.

  • 38%: Share of Gen Z consumers who increased their use of any type of split-payment product in the last year
  • 97%: Portion of acquirers that process transactions and can split payments on cards that they issue
  • 60%: Share of acquirers planning to enhance their ability to offer installment plans within the next year

    Consumer retail spending rises nearly 7% year over year in December, marking a lift in shoppers’ confidence due to lower inflation.
    Consumers’ expectations for what they are going to pay for items in the retail sector is increasingly optimistic.
    When shopping for gifts for others, 55% of consumers plan their spending in advance.

  • 83%: Portion of consumers who are at least somewhat concerned about current and near-future economic conditions
  • 42%: Share of consumers who expect the interest rates of their loans to increase during 2024
  • 20%: Portion of paycheck-to-paycheck consumers who say that their average savings will decrease in 2024
  • 78%: Share of merchants planning to improve their ability to accept general-purpose card installments
  • 18%: Portion of merchants reporting lack of BNPL options is consumers’ most common complaint
  • 90%: Share of merchants not offering merchant/store card installment plans
  • 54%: Portion of consumers using a debit card as the underlying digital wallet payment method when purchasing non-grocery retail purchases in-store
  • 12%: Share of consumers who cite the ability to pay a recurring monthly bill as the top digital wallet feature they are interested in
  • 38%: Portion of consumers using a debit card as the underlying digital wallet payment method when purchasing groceries online
  • 45%: Portion of SMBs identifying revolving credit products as their go-to borrowing tool
  • 17%: Share of high-revenue SMBs citing BNPL as the borrowing tool they have used most in the last year
  • 33%: Portion of low-revenue SMBs reporting they have used reward credit cards most in the last year
  • 26%: Share of cardholders who had trouble redeeming rewards saying rewards were insufficient for desired purchases
  • 36%: Share of credit card holders who received cash back on any purchase in the last 90 days
  • 71%: Share of consumers very or extremely satisfied with the rewards program offered by their primary credit card
  • 93%: Share of the most innovative CUs that increased total investment in payment innovation in the past year
  • 14%: Portion of total asset size that the most innovative CUs invested in payments innovation in the past year
  • 19%: Share of the least innovative CUs that cite regulation and compliance as their top challenge
  • IMPROVED EXPERIENCES: Having the right cross-border payment solutions creates seamless customer experiences and may increase satisfaction.
  • NEW SOLUTIONS: Better options for cross-border payments are changing the game, and companies need to innovate to stay competitive.
  • MAXIMIZING GROWTH: For top growth, businesses must look abroad, making fast, reliable and cost-effective cross-border payments more important than ever.
  • Two-thirds of fleet and mobility Growth Corporates used working capital to cover seasonal liquidity shortfalls, invest in assets and upgrade legacy systems.
  • Top-performing fleet and mobility companies used external working capital strategically, resulting in 26% lower DPOs than those seen among bottom performers.
  • 96% of fleet and fuel companies expect to use a working capital solution in the next year.
  • UNLOCKING OPPORTUNITY: PayFacs’ embedded payments tools allow businesses to reach new markets and customers at scale.
  • WAVE OF THE FUTURE: PayFacs are helping advance commerce and expand the digital economy.
  • DATA INSIGHTS: PayFacs enable merchants to collect data on how consumers use and engage with businesses.
  • 50%: Portion of marketplaces offering merchant lending solutions to the software industry that want to innovate further
  • 25%: Share of marketplaces saying the biggest barrier to innovation is complex internal decision-making processes
  • 26%: Portion of ISVs citing system integration as their top obstacle to innovation
  • 28%: Portion of consumers who probably or definitely prefer shopping on a brand’s site
  • 72%: Share of consumers who say they are highly satisfied when shopping from a brand’s site
  • 66%: Portion of consumers who cite free shipping as a key determinant of their loyalty to a shopping channel
  • 33%: Portion of merchants with a screening mechanism that detects if potential fraud causes failed payments
  • 78%: Share of merchants with no PSP collaboration actively seeking innovative solutions to combat friendly fraud and chargeback fraud
  • 42%: Portion of merchants that increase the security level and ask the customer to attempt the purchase again after a failed payment

    Lingering inflation erodes consumers’ purchasing power, leading them to constantly adjust their purchasing behavior to preserve their standard of living.
    U.S. consumers continue to cut back by reducing nonessential spending, switching to cheaper retailers and opting for lower-quality products.
    In response to the current inflationary environment, some consumers have explored secondhand retailers as an alternative to meet their demand for lower-priced goods.

  • 28%: Share of card users who said merchants presented them with card-linked offers for all or most of their 2023 holiday purchases
  • 49%: Share of cardholders considering using card-linked offers who cited reducing costs as the most important reason to consider using them
  • 37%: Share of cardholders who have not used card-linked offers in the last 12 months because they lack familiarity with the programs
  • Multifaceted Approach: Global eCommerce businesses must comply with diverse regulations, adhere to issuer-specific protocols and incorporate home currencies into their pricing mechanisms.
  • Beyond Authentication: Cross-border eCommerce businesses must enhance the entire shopping journey by providing diverse payment choices, streamlined checkouts and smooth mobile shopping experiences.
  • FX Transparency Required: eCommerce merchants must provide consumers with comprehensive breakdowns of FX costs or risk losing sales.
  • 5%: Portion of mid-sized firms that have completely automated their AP or AR processes
  • 2%: Share of mid-sized firms that have no intent to automate AP processes
  • 91%: Portion of mid-sized firms that have fully automated AR systems that report increased savings, cash flow and growth
  • 58%: Share of consumers interested in discount and promotion offers
  • 44%: Portion of consumers finding offers very relevant to their needs
  • 89%: Share of millennials interested in receiving personalized offers, leading all demographics
  • Intellectual Property Rights Debate: AI’s creative outputs challenge existing IP laws.
  • Regulatory Sandboxes for AI Oversight: Pilot programs are essential for understanding and regulating AI.
  • Technological Evolution Outpaces Laws: AI’s rapid advancement requires adaptable, informed legal frameworks.

    Instant payments will initially transform merchant/consumer interactions but will transform commercial transactions too
    Providers — including FIs — will have to examine the infrastructure and connectivity needed to meet burgeoning demand.
    Fraud and risk defenses will involve a combination of education and advanced technologies.

    The Naughty: One-third of consumers report plans to cut their holiday spending this year.
    The Nice: 3 in 4 budget-conscious consumers reached for credit products, including split-pay schemes such as BNPL, to pay for holiday shopping this year.
    The Naughty: Split-payment methods, such as BNPL, present challenges that merchants and consumers must consider.

  • 30%: Portion of retail ISVs that cite customer experience as the most important innovation driver
  • 19%: Share of retail PayFacs that say systems integration is their biggest innovation hurdle
  • 40%: Portion of retail marketplaces that rate operational enhancement as their top innovation agenda
  • 100% vs. 20%: Top vs. bottom performers providing pause and skip features, respectively
  • 97% vs. 60%: Top performers vs. bottom in offering online product details, respectively
  • 20% vs. 6.7%: Top vs. bottom performers offering BNPL options, respectively
  • 25%: Portion of firms offering BNPL that cite client retention as a benefit of offering the plans
  • 39%: Share of acquirers with plans to allow clients to offer general-purpose card installment plans to their consumers before the checkout process
  • 68%: Portion of acquirers that think business clients would be highly likely to sell higher-priced items or services if they offered card installment plans to clients before checkout
  • 36%: Portion of Main Street SMBs citing expanding customer reach as the most important reason to use online channels
  • 55%: Share of Main Street SMBs that say competitive pressure was an important reason for selling online
  • 45%: Portion of Main Street SMBs that say security issues is challenge firms face when selling online
  • 81%: Portion of credit-marginalized consumers who faced unexpected costs in the past year also experienced further credit issues as a result
  • 7%: Share of consumers who use BNPL to pay for unexpected expenses
  • 30%: Portion of consumers who had their credit scores decline because of facing unexpected expenses
  • 57%: Share of credit cards owned by consumers living paycheck to paycheck
  • 62%: Portion of consumers who lived paycheck to paycheck as of November 2023
  • 40%: Share of consumers living paycheck to paycheck with super-prime credit scores
  • 43%: Share of SMBs citing improved cash flow management as the most important reason they choose instant payments
  • 32%: Share of SMBs that primarily use manual procedures to process ad hoc payments
  • 66%: Portion of SMB receivers willing to continue to do business with a company that offers free instant payments
  • 34%: Portion of consumers who would like cash back incentives when using A2A payments
  • 33%: Share of consumers who would like discounts on purchases when using A2A payments
  • 36%: Portion of consumers reporting they do not use A2A payments because they do not know how A2A payments work
  • 25%: Share of top-performing North American Growth Corporates that plan to use virtual cards most in the next 12 months
  • 11%: Share of North American Growth Corporates that used third-party revolving credit facility in the last 12 months, highest among all regions covered in the survey
  • 25%: Share of top-performing North American Growth Corporates that accessed financing solutions to cover expected cash flow shortfalls
  • 2%: Portion of consumers who received rent-related refunds in the last year
  • 19%: Share of consumers who received most rent-related refunds via instant transfer to their bank account
  • 72%: Portion of consumers highly satisfied when using digital payment methods to receive rent-related refunds

    Inflation impacts how much and often consumers tip, forcing them to change their spending behavior.
    The rise in tipping costs is further reducing consumers’ purchasing power..
    Consumers whose wages have not kept up with inflation are getting hit the hardest by higher tips.

  • 90%: Portion of FIs that use fraud prevention APIs
  • 29%: Share of FIs that rely entirely on third parties to provide AI and ML solutions
  • 30%: Portion of FIs that say customer needs are an influential factor when considering third-party solution providers
  • 4%: Portion of millennials who received business expense reimbursements in the last year
  • 14%: Share of consumers who have received their business expense reimbursements via non-instant digital payments most often
  • 43%: Share of consumers who have received their business expense reimbursements via instant digital payments most often
  • 42%: Share of subscribers who shop in-store less often because of their subscriptions
  • 31%: Portion of subscribers who use scheduled and auto-fill subscriptions for most of their regularly used products
  • 15%: Share of subscribers who cite more control over timing as the top reason they prefer to shop online at will when a product runs out

    The average holiday shopper spent roughly $533 on Black Friday, with those using Pay Later options spending 48% more on their holiday shopping than those using other methods.
    Black Friday engagement is declining among Gen Z holiday shoppers, likely driven by perceptions of the day’s diminishing significance and worsening deals.
    Millennials plan to make nearly half of their holiday purchases at local merchants because of the merchants’ better prices and product quality.

    Amazon’s 8.2% share in consumer retail spend is 1 percentage point more than Walmart’s, the largest gap since last year.
    Despite Amazon’s overall eCommerce dominance, Walmart’s online sales grew 24% in the last year, albeit led by pickup and delivery options.
    Amazon has extended its leadership in key discretionary categories such as home furnishings, electronics and clothing.
    At the same time, Amazon has finally caught up to Walmart in the health and personal care category.

  • 39%: Share of holiday shoppers planning to give clothing this year
  • 25%: Portion of consumers planning to travel this holiday season
  • $1,950: Average amount consumers planning to travel expect to spend on holiday travel this year
  • 15%: Share of consumers who would prefer a credit union for a new credit card
  • 16%: Portion of consumers who have a primary bank account with a credit union
  • 24%: Share of consumers that prefer a credit union or community bank for a new credit card
  • 37%: Share of mid-sized firms citing the time required to learn new technology as a hurdle to automating AP and AR
  • 13%: Share of mid-sized firms citing a desire to save time as the top reason for automating AP or AR processes
  • 5%: Portion of mid-sized firms that have completely automated AP and AR processes
  • 42%: Portion of consumers annually earning more than $100K living paycheck to paycheck as of October 2023
  • 43%: Share of consumers living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to pay bills who plan to use credit for holiday spending
  • 37%: Share of consumers who say they will use savings to pay for holiday expenses
  • 44%: Portion of mid-size firms that have automated one or two of their AP processes
  • 73%: Share of executives at mid-size firms reporting that AP automation improves cash flow, increases savings or contributes to business growth
  • 85%: Portion of executives at mid-size firms citing accurate, efficient and streamlined processes as benefits of AP automation
  • 63%: Share of senders sending tip payouts to employees that already pay fees to make these payouts instantly
  • 80%: Share of senders that think receivers are satisfied with their current ad hoc solutions
  • 31%: Share of senders that expect improved customer/supplier satisfaction would be the chief benefit of adding new ad hoc payment solutions
  • 11%: Average share of online transactions by eCommerce merchants that fail
  • 61%: Portion of fraud that merchants attribute to technology-driven activity
  • 86%: Share of eCommerce firms that report increased profitability from proactive support from PSPs

    Consumers’ familiarity with AI is present in all generational groups, with younger consumers being more familiar with it than older ones.
    Banking and shopping habits are underpinned by the goals and levels of comfort consumers have with AI.
    Younger generational groups show strong hesitancy about credit, but AI could aide in breaking this mold.

    Inflation has led to “tipflation,” in which sectors and industries overcompensate with their price adjustments and escalate where consumers tip and by how much.
    Point-of-sale technology is redefining tipping norms, contributing to merchant pressure toward consumers to tip greater amounts and for more services or goods than before.
    Consumers notice these changes — 27% noted that the merchant asked them to leave a tip in a new situation, and 33% noticed tip suggestions had gotten higher. Though they pay now, this is likely to change in the short- to medium term as the vicious cycle of inflation continues to affect the economy.

    As payments become both lightning fast and rock solidly secure, what the latest innovations hold for domestic and cross-border transactions.
    Why personalization represents the future of payments and FinTech writ and the transformative impact it is having on optimizing B2B.
    Despite the ongoing generational shift reshaping payment modalities and contexts, the innovations that scale will be those that take as much cost out of the equation as possible.

  • 13%: Share of top-performing companies in LAC that are highly likely to use virtual cards most in the next 12 months
  • 11%: Share of companies in LAC that used invoice factoring in the last 12 months, highest among all regions covered in the survey
  • 88%: Share of top-performing companies in LAC that used working capital for planned expenses
  • 36%: Share of consumers who receive payouts for freelance or consulting projects most often via instant methods
  • 77%: Portion of consumers who opted to receive instant payments for income and earnings disbursements
  • 78%: Share of consumers who are highly satisfied when receiving disbursements via instant payments
  • 78%: Portion of marketplaces that have sub-merchant accounts
  • 66%: Share of revenue generated by PayFacs that comes from payment processing
  • 68%: Portion of ISVs that provide services to wholesale companies saying their biggest challenge lies in economic uncertainty

    Approximately 53% of SMBs lack readily available financing sources, and insufficient access to credit represents a key challenge leaving them vulnerable.
    Even though corporate cards are the most common kind of business financing, only 28% of smaller SMBs have access to them.
    Twenty-five percent of SMBs hope to increase their use of corporate cards in the near future, but many challenges stand in their way.

    The 138 million U.S. consumers who travel each year eat at restaurants 20% more frequently than they do during their daily routines.
    70% of traveling consumers said food quality is the top reason for selecting a restaurant when traveling and 36% report this as important.
    49% of consumers use apps or websites to find restaurants while traveling, a slightly paradoxical figure as 53% use one when deciding where to dine at home.

  • 20%: Portion of consumers who cited job losses or income reductions as a reason they depleted their savings
  • 35%: Share of consumers earning $200K+ annually who report increased savings ability compared to 2022
  • 30%: Portion of consumers who dealt with a major expense using a significant percentage of their savings in the last year
  • 73%: Share of store card owners who are highly interested in using cash-back offers for store cards tied to specific products in the next three months
  • 62%: Share of consumers who shop where they are loyalty or rewards program members who own a store card
  • 35%: Share of store card holders who are highly likely to switch to merchants offering store cards with personalized offers
  • 34%: Share of credit builder app users who are more likely to have increased their credit score by more than 100 points than those who did not use these apps
  • 59%: Share of consumers who did not try to increase their credit score because they were content with the level of their credit score
  • 21%: Share of average consumers who were able to increase their credit score by more than 100 points
  • 397%: Share of debt Gen X owes as a percentage of their disposable income
  • 18%: Share of consumers who said digital instant payments was the winnings payout method they used the most in the last year
  • 66%: Portion of consumers who prefer instant winnings payouts because they are convenient
  • 76%: Share of consumers who would have chosen a digital instant payout option if available but were not given the choice
  • 58%: Portion of hospitality workers who received their tips in cash the most often in the last year
  • 85%: Share of workers receiving tips via digital instant payments who are highly satisfied with this payout method
  • 81%: Portion of hospitality workers who choose instant payments for their convenience

    Between Sept. 1 and Sept. 13, 11 million Americans used mobile wallets to pay for their most recent online and in-store purchases.
    Two out of 3 consumers decide to make an online purchase at a specific merchant rather than elsewhere because that merchant accepts their chosen mobile wallet.
    Apple Pay has experienced a considerable increase in its adoption over the past few years, with total estimated sales more than doubling from $92B in 2021 to $213B thus far this year.

    ISO 20022 focuses heavily on real-time payments and will accelerate their adoption.
    Innovative FinTechs leads more conservative credit unions in offering customers real-time payments products.
    Large consumer-facing businesses broadly underestimate the importance of real-time payments in the bill-payment experience.

  • 71%: Share of consumers who received payouts from public institutions and had them sent directly to their bank accounts
  • 50%: Share of millennials who report that the availability of open banking connectivity features highly influence their choice of merchant or provider
  • 48%: Share of consumers who received a larger number of payouts who said connectivity features are their most preferred way to receive funds

    More consumers are experiencing payment fraud, making them hesitant to share or store updated data.
    Fraud’s increased sophistication is costing firms customers, and firms are responding with investments in greater fraud detection and management.
    Financial institutions are tapping AI for fraud prevention and are getting results.
    Financial institutions are using a variety of strategies to combat fraud, both in-house solutions and those developed by third parties.

  • 17%: Portion of B2B payments by large retailers made via real-time payments in the last year
  • 90%: Share of large real-estate firms that expect to receive real-time payments in the coming year
  • 90%: Portion of large retailers that cite speed as a top reason for adopting real-time B2B payments

    Incomes have increased in the past year to match inflation for 15% of consumers, and the remaining 85% tend to be more pessimistic about the U.S. economy.
    Although 28% of consumers with concerns about the economy said employment was a reason for their worry, 91% of those whose wages have not kept up noted high prices as a source of concern.
    Consumer-reported price increases generally align with cumulative inflation, meaning that when they are considering price hikes, they are likely comparing to benchmarks that are several years old rather than recent ones — and feeling an exaggerated impact.

    Consumers expect to rely more heavily on installment plans during holiday shopping than the rest of the year.
    Younger shoppers in the millennial and Gen Z age groups, in particular, will ramp up their use of installment plans.
    Consumers who plan to increase their installment plan purchasing during holiday shopping are especially likely to switch merchants to get access to plans.

  • 348%: Share of debt U.S. consumers owe as a percentage of their disposable income
  • 338%: Portion of debt U.S. consumers living paycheck to paycheck owe as a percentage of their disposable income
  • 397%: Share of debt Gen X owes as a percentage of their disposable income

    Small businesses face an elevated risk of closure and are particularly vulnerable during economic disruption.
    SMBs struggle to access credit, especially traditional funding from banks.
    Corporate credit cards are the type of credit that SMBs use most often, but many SMBs rely on the owners’ personal credit sources and assets.

  • 30%: Portion of Main Street SMBs currently working with less frequently used processors that would consider switching providers
  • 72%: Share of Main Street SMBs citing ease of use as an important factor in choosing a payment processor
  • 49%: Portion of Main Street construction SMBs that cite ease of use as a motivating factor to switch processors
  • 65%: Share of Gen Z consumers who have used an installment plan in the last year
  • 74%: Portion of installment plan users who name better spending management as a reason to use a plan
  • 37%: Share of consumers who have not used an installment plan in the last year who cite risk of overspending as a reason
  • 19%: Portion of U.S. consumers living paycheck to paycheck with issues paying bills in August 2023
  • 49%: Share of consumers who say their finances are particularly tight at specific times of the year
  • 55%: Portion of consumers facing seasonal swings in financial standing who cited events and celebrations as a reason for seasonal financial distress
  • 81%: Portion of retailers planning to enhance real-time payments solutions in the next year
  • 61%: Share of retailers citing strong security as a core benefit of making real-time payments
  • 85%: Portion of retailers likely to work with a FinTech to enhance their real-time payments solutions
  • 26%: Portion of consumers who cite faster checkout as the most important reason to use biometric authentication
  • 51%: Share of Gen Z consumers who have used facial recognition to validate their online purchases
  • 84%: Portion of baby boomers and seniors who did not use biometric authentication methods last month

    Most consumers like the idea of smart, reliable voice assistants, but fewer than 1 in 10 say voice assistants are that capable today.
    Consumers’ trust in voice technology is device-based today, but that will likely change as future voice operating systems will connect multiple devices and apps to facilitate complex voice-activated activities.
    While an integrated voice platform is not yet a reality, voice pioneers will lead the way because they show there is demand for voice across devices and applications.

  • 17%: Share of B2B payments retail companies made using real-time payments
  • 79%: Portion of retailers citing payment speed as a reason they plan to make more real-time B2B payments
  • 18%: Share of retailers currently enhancing their real-time payments capabilities
  • WHY BE A PAYFAC?: PayFacs have carved out a desirable market for themselves — one mutually beneficial to the acquirers that once viewed them as a competitive threat.
  • WHAT IT TAKES: Being a PayFac means having risk management as a core competency; PayFacs hold or share responsibility for many details, including merchant onboarding.
  • ACQUIRERS REQUIRED: A PayFac’s acquirer bank is ultimately responsible for compliance with the various payments and money transmission regulations, managing merchant and transaction risk, and more.
  • 65%: Share of card users who shop with brands or merchants where they are members of loyalty or rewards programs
  • 41%: Portion of card users who have used a card-linked offer program in the last 12 months
  • 38%: Share of consumers who have not used card-linked offers because they lack familiarity with these programs
  • 55%: Share of FIs with assets of more than $5 billion that saw no change in the volume of fraudulent transactions in 2023
  • 12%: Share of fraudulent transactions from scams, with bank tech support impersonation and IRS scams most common
  • 48%: Share of FIs that either are in the process of adding or will add new tech systems to combat fraud in the next year
  • 32%: Share of Growth Corporate CFOs who used external working capital solutions for strategic growth purposes
  • 34%: Share of Growth Corporates that used external working capital solutions for cyclical shortfalls and seasonal gaps
  • 27%: Share of Growth Corporates that used external working capital solutions for emergencies

    Data shows that 53% of consumers expect the U.S. to enter a new recession, and consumers’ concerns regarding this potential recession may be heightening their worries about job security and the impact of AI on their careers.
    PYMNTS found that 56% of consumers who feel optimistic about the impact of AI on their work-life believe AI will save them time. Forty-six percent of consumers that feel at least a little optimistic about the impact of AI on their work-life believe AI will reduce errors, while 35% believe that AI will help them communicate with others more easily.
    However, seven in 10 consumers believe AI can already replace at least some of their professional skill sets. Young consumers, those making over $100K, and those working in an office environment are most aware of this skill overlap.

  • 39%: Portion of paycheck-to-paycheck consumers struggling to pay bills who experienced overdrafts or declines
  • 64%: Share of consumers who overdraft their accounts and experienced broader credit accessibility issues
  • 45%: Portion of credit marginalized consumers who experienced overdrafts or declines

    Amazon’s 7.6% share in consumer retail spend represents a slight lead over Walmart for the third consecutive quarter.
    Despite Amazon’s overall eCommerce dominance, Walmart’s online sales grew 15% over the last year.
    Walmart retained its robust grocery market share with 19.3% of total U.S. segment sales.

  • 33%: Share of U.K. consumers emphasizing the importance of two-factor authentication or passkey when logging in to an everyday app
  • 31%: Portion of consumers in Europe who say reputation is crucial in trusting an everyday app provider
  • 36%: Share of consumers who would trust PayPal to offer an everyday app
  • 30%: Share of subscribers citing enjoyment as a top reason for joining a retail subscription
  • 45%: Portion of millennials who prefer a multi-model approach to retail subscriptions
  • 18%: Share of subscribers who say cost is the primary determinant for subscribing
  • 41%: Portion of BNPL users who used BNPL to pay for clothing and accessories in the last three months
  • 19%: Share of credit card installment plan users annually earning more than $100,000 who used credit card installment plans five times or more in the last three months
  • 56%: Portion of Gen Z BNPL users who are highly satisfied with their BNPL options
  • 42%: Portion of consumers who planned to travel more this summer citing improved financial standing as a factor driving their decision
  • 30%: Share of millennials who used or anticipated using BNPL to pay for their summer travel
  • 31%: Portion of Gen Z consumers who cite fear of overspending as a reason for using payment methods other than credit products
  • 37%: Portion of consumers in Australia highlighting seamless payments integration as a top benefit of an everyday app
  • 27%: Share of U.S. consumers who could be persuaded to adopt an everyday app if the provider offered data encryption
  • 37%: Portion of consumers in Australia who would trust PayPal to offer an everyday app

    The connected consumer is a multitasking consumer, with younger consumers, in particular, embracing multitasking.
    Multitasking means consumers control where they accomplish what they need to accomplish.
    Consumers show interest in connected buying experiences, especially those that help them multitask.

  • 61%: Portion of consumers who lived paycheck to paycheck as of July 2023
  • 21%: Share of paycheck-to-paycheck consumers who cite nonessential spending as a reason for their financial lifestyle
  • 36%: Share of Gen Z who describe spending as indulgent for at least three product or service categories
  • 85%: Portion of firms that expect to make more real-time payments citing counterparty acceptance as a reason
  • 85%: Share of small manufacturing firms that regard the ability to make real-time payments as highly important
  • 96%: Portion of manufacturers predicting real-time payments will replace traditional checks for making payments
  • LOWER EFFECTIVE WORKING-CAPITAL COSTS: Higher interest rates heighten the appeal of commercial cards for B2B transactions.
  • AUTOMATED PROCESSES AND ENHANCED SECURITY: Commercial cards offer real-time visibility into expenses and advanced security measures.
  • VIRTUAL CARD REVOLUTION: Virtual cards enhance transaction security with temporary card numbers.
  • 53%: Share of surveyed consumers in India who prefer UPI when purchasing retail products online
  • 79%: Share of local consumers who paid for their last retail purchase using a digital wallet with UPI as the underlying payment method
  • 35%: Portion of in-store shoppers in India who use smartphones to price shop in real time
  • 82%: Portion of smaller firms not currently using real-time payments due to higher costs associated with implementing them
  • 90%: Share of large firms likely to turn to FinTechs for real-time payments solutions, compared to 77% of small insurance companies
  • 55%: Portion of small insurance companies likely to partner with third-party processors for real-time payments innovations
  • 93%: Portion of CFOs noting reduced days of delay in how invoices are tracked when automating AP processes
  • 64%: Share of CFOs who say they definitely need more automation for their AR processes
  • 82%: Share of firms that have used automation to streamline AP processes that report reduced days of delay and exceptions related to payments
  • 45%: Portion of CU executives who say they have made very or extremely significant efforts to cut down credit product setup times.
  • 59%: Share of CU executives who believe product setup times have a major influence on consumer’s decisions of where to apply for credit products
  • 5.8%: Portion of account holders who say that quick access to funds is the most influential factor in deciding where to apply for credit products
  • 17%: Share of consumers with low credit scores who used a credit builder app primarily for credit-building purposes in the last year
  • 42%: Portion of knowledgeable consumers highly interested in user-friendly materials to improve their credit scores
  • 29%: Share of consumers with low credit scores who have used a credit builder app in the last year
  • 91%: Portion of manufacturers that view real-time payments as crucial to supplier relationships
  • 59%: Share of manufacturers that plan to make more real-time B2B payments
  • 47%: Portion of manufacturers that plan to pay with checks less frequently

    While worries about a recession are cooling, consumers remain cautious since their purchasing power is 11% lower than two years ago.
    In response to their eroding purchasing power, consumers are finding more work: 41% of employed consumers have picked up extra work.
    Sixty-two percent of employed consumers cite inadequate pay and benefits and the lack of opportunities as reasons to consider leaving their current role.

  • 28%: Portion of loyal consumers who would cancel if the merchant renewed their subscription without their permission
  • 20%: Share of bottom-performing merchants that offer guarantees or refunds, compared to 100% of top performers that do
  • 7%: Portion of bottom-performing subscription merchants that allow changes to product selection, compared to 93% of top performers that do
  • 21%: Share of U.S. consumers living paycheck to paycheck with issues paying bills in June 2023
  • 67%: Share of U.S. consumers living alone who live paycheck to paycheck
  • 34%: Portion of parents who share a bank account with their children
  • 40%: Portion of brick-and-mortar UAE shoppers who cite immediate product availability as a reason for shopping in-store, less than the 54% of U.S. and 53% of U.K. shoppers who say the same
  • 55%: Share of men in the UAE who used a smartphone to enhance their most recent in-store shopping journey, more than the 45% of women who did the same
  • 43%: Portion of consumers in the UAE who cite easy checkout processes as a reason for preferring to shop online
  • 25%: Portion of firms citing invoice errors and discrepancies as the top areas of disruption they recently faced
  • 83%: Share of CFOs reporting that digital technologies supporting AP workflow automations have reduced frictions by better integration of buyer and supplier payments
  • 64%: Portion of firms that added tailored AP software to their ERP systems to automate AP workflows in the last six months
  • 41%: Portion of FinTech issuers that allowed their customers to receive P2P transfers in Q2 2023
  • 28%: Share of consumers citing guarantee of good funds/speed as their most experienced issue when moving funds out of their accounts
  • 32%: Portion of FinTechs that cited limited payment options as their account holders’ most experienced issue when moving funds out of their accounts
  • 68%: Portion of CFOs who say payment-related delays were an issue in the last six months
  • 55%: Share of CFOs who say disputes and exceptions were an issue in the last six months
  • 48%: Portion of CFOs who say shipping-related problems were an issue in the last six months
  • 68%: Portion of insurance firms planning to ramp up real-time payments for inbound transactions that cite speed as a reason for doing so
  • 64%: Share of insurance firms gearing up to introduce additional B2B payment features in the next 12 months
  • 82%: Portion of small insurance firms citing implementation costs as the primary barrier to adopting real-time payments
  • 91%: Share of billers that use or want to use inclusive bill payment systems that say these systems make the bill pay experience more convenient
  • 97%: Share of consumers who experienced at least one bill pay frustration who are highly interested in using a holistic bill pay platform
  • 43%: Share of billers not interested in providing holistic bill pay saying integration would be too complicated
  • 28%: Portion of consumers who transact on social media because it allows them to buy as soon as the product catches their attention
  • 29%: Share of social media shoppers who used credit cards for their purchase without leaving the app
  • 18%: Portion of social media shoppers who used PayPal for their most recent purchase without leaving the app
  • 93%: Portion of companies automating at least 50% of AR processes expressing satisfaction
  • 80%: Share of CFOs citing lack of on-call advisory services as a key barrier in AR automations
  • 63%: Portion of firms with highly automated AR processes experiencing fewer invoicing errors
  • 28%: Portion of CU members willing to switch FIs for more innovative experiences
  • 64%: Share of CUs taking wait-and-see approach to innovation
  • 89%: Portion of CU executives who cite operational challenges as key obstacles impacting their innovation agendas
  • NEED-TO-KNOW BASIS: Understanding the rapidly changing economic environment and trends across treasury management and how technologies, regulations and the industry will likely evolve has become table stakes.
  • VISIBILITY IS KEY: The improved visibility that today’s tools offer can put savvy organizations in a better position, one that may be particularly valuable given recent economic tightness.
  • INTERNATIONAL & INTERCONNECTED: Companies must empower their international teams to perform the treasury acts local to their time zones but are also in lockstep with global policies and processes.
  • 63%: Increase in the share of SMBs planning to use business credit cards compared to those that have access today
  • 40%: Share of SMBs that are most likely to use business credit cards in the next 12 months
  • 31%: Share of Main Street SMBs that will not seek financing in the next 12 months
  • 55%: Share of millennials who report having had at least one unexpected expense in the three months prior to May 2023
  • 46%: Portion of consumers who reported facing emergency expenses in the three months prior to being surveyed
  • 53%: Portion of struggling paycheck-to-paycheck consumers who postponed large expenses due to financial hardship
  • 43%: Portion of consumers who would delay a purchase or opt for a cheaper product if BNPL were unavailable
  • 20%: Share of consumers living paycheck to paycheck with issues paying bills who identify as BNPL users
  • 28%: Portion of consumers for whom the no- or low-interest rate feature is an important factor in choosing to use BNPL
  • 44%: Portion of in-store shoppers in Mexico who shop in-store because they believe the prices are lower than online
  • 10: Number of digital shopping features the average shopper in Mexico uses per purchase, significantly less than any other country in our study
  • 30%: Portion of women in Mexico who want to integrate digital into all aspects of their shopping journeys
  • 85%: Portion of consumers who used mobile wallet bill pay for more than five bills who were very or extremely satisfied
  • 51%: Share of mobile wallet bill pay users who paid bills on the due date
  • 68%: Portion of mobile wallet bill pay users who paid bills on the due date who were very or extremely satisfied with their experience
  • 79%: Share of revenue generated by the top 30% of retail subscribers
  • $65: Average monthly subscription spend by loyalists
  • $2,500+: Projected lifetime value of loyalist subscribers
  • 26%: Portion of consumers saying two-factor authentication would make them more comfortable when shopping online
  • $129: Average value of a single online retail order
  • 39%: Share of consumers expecting to shop for more health and beauty products online in the next year
  • 60%: Share of consumers who paid bills via mobile wallet in the last year
  • 79%: Portion of millennials who paid bills via mobile wallet in the last year
  • 42%: Share of consumers disinterested in mobile wallet bill pay who cited security concerns as the main reason for their lack of interest
  • 50%: Share of brick-and-mortar shoppers in Brazil who use smartphones while shopping in store
  • 57%: Share of brick-and-mortar shoppers in Brazil who cite immediate availability as a reason for shopping in store
  • 23%: Portion of shoppers in Brazil who shopped paid for their most recent purchase entirely via mobile
  • 24%: Portion of consumers citing rewards as the most important reason for using BNPL instead of other payment options
  • 14%: Share of Gen Z consumers who used BNPL to make a purchase in the last 90 days
  • 52%: Portion of millennials citing better spending management as the main reason they use credit products
  • 62%: Portion of all retail banking consumers willing to forego convenience for enhanced security for their sensitive information
  • 41%: Share of consumers open to sharing sensitive information with existing insurance providers for better transaction security
  • 50%: Share of digital bank customers willing to disclose personal data with existing insurance providers for improved transaction security
  • 82%: Portion of urban consumers who have outstanding credit card balances
  • 64%: Share of paycheck-to-paycheck consumers living in the Western U.S. in April 2023
  • 23%: Portion of Northeastern urban dwellers who cite dependent relatives as the most important reason why they live paycheck to paycheck, significantly more than any other region
  • 20%: Share of millennials who do not use any payment method when they cannot earn points or rewards
  • 29%: Portion of millennials interested in online bank transfer for retail transactions if they are able to earn points or rewards
  • 35%: Share of Gen X consumers who prefer to use a payment method because of the ability to earn points or rewards
  • 17%: Share of global in-person purchases made using mobile wallets
  • 29%: Year-over-year growth in the use of Big Tech wallets — Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay
  • 37%: Portion of digital purchases in Japan using local FinTech wallets, up 46% from Q1 2022
  • 20M: Estimated number of baby boomers and seniors with high interest in using unified digital healthcare platforms
  • 57%: Share of baby boomers and seniors interested in using digital healthcare platforms citing convenient access to healthcare information as a key reason
  • 85%: Portion of baby boomers and seniors who prefer to access pharmacy benefits and insurance info through digital healthcare platforms
  • 70%: Portion of real estate firms citing speed as a reason for wanting to receive real-time payments
  • 14%: Share of real estate firms planning to adopt virtual card payments in the next year
  • 52%: Portion of real estate firms planning to adopt virtual cards because of transaction speed
  • 62%: Share of consumers who experienced multiple payment pain points who say they would want access to a holistic bill payment platform
  • 36%: Share of consumers who reported experiencing 10 or more bill payment pain points who say they would be very or extremely interested in a holistic platform
  • 82%: Share of billers who say they think a holistic bill payment platform would help streamline their processes
  • 65%: Portion of bank account holders who want more innovative payment methods from their FIs
  • 80%: Share of account holders willing to switch FIs for access to innovative products who would like to see their current FIs or CUs make more payment products available
  • 39%: Portion of millennials who would switch or consider switching FIs in favor of innovation
  • 45%: Portion of consumers with credit cards who carry a revolving balance
  • 31%: Share of cardholders prioritizing rewards and cash back programs
  • 68%: Portion of high-spending non-revolvers valuing real-time fraud detection alerts above all other features
  • 22%: Average increase in revenue subscription businesses recovered for every additional payment recovery method used
  • 47%: Share of top-performing subscription providers that use at least one specialized third-party payment recovery solution
  • 43%: Share of subscription providers with low annual churn rates that exclusively use third-party payment recovery solutions
  • 66%: Share of Gen Z consumers who lived paycheck to paycheck in March 2023
  • 51%: Share of baby boomers and seniors who have experienced at least one financially distressing event in the last three years
  • 73%: Share of Gen Z paycheck-to-paycheck consumers who have spent $100 on a nonessential expense in the last three months
  • 46%: Portion of credit insecure consumers who could not get more credit due to their credit scores
  • 86%: Share of credit marginalized consumers who live paycheck to paycheck and thus are more susceptible to negative financial impacts from life events
  • 21%: Portion of credit marginalized consumers did not apply for new credit products due to a fear of rejection
  • 76%: Portion of consumers who believe smartphones are secure and are likely to use them for personal cash transfers
  • 83%: Share of banking consumers who want multifactor authentication for infrequent transactions
  • 42%: Portion of consumers who want to verify their identity every time they pay for goods or services
  • 54%: Share of consumers who would prefer voice technology in the future because it is faster than typing or using a touchscreen
  • 27%: Share of consumers who have used a voice-activated device or speaker in the last 12 months
  • 22%: Share of Gen Z consumers highly willing to pay more than $10 per month to use a voice assistant as smart and reliable as a real person
  • 11%: Increase in the share of consumers with retail subscriptions since September 2022
  • 62%: Share of subscribers that cite cost savings associated with free shipping as a primary reason for subscribing
  • 97%: Portion of top-performing subscription providers that offer the ability to pause or modify subscriptions
  • Education: Enterprises must explain the benefits of open banking and new amenities so clients and customers can try them safely.
  • Enabling Open Banking: Banks must embrace an end-to-end digital architecture, which requires modern banking platforms that are elastically scalable and based on APIs.
  • A Worldwide Phenomenon: Outside the EU, six more markets are currently developing open banking APIs and market standards for open banking are emerging in more than 10 others.
  • 86%: Share of U.K. eCommerce shoppers who had their most recent purchases delivered
  • 28%: Portion of U.K. consumers who shopped and paid for their most recent purchase entirely via mobile
  • 50%: How much likelier merchants are to offer free shipping than shoppers are to realize free shipping is available
  • 77%: Portion of real estate firms planning to start making real-time payments in the next year
  • 65%: Share of real estate firms that think real-time payments will replace standard ACH as a method of making payments
  • 80%: Portion of real estate companies citing the receiver’s ability to accept standard ACH payments as the reason for using that method
  • 56%: Portion of CU executives slightly or not at all interested in providing cryptocurrency products for their members
  • 83%: Share of consumers who have not owned cryptocurrency in the past year who say they do not even know if their financial institution provides cryptocurrency products and services
  • 61%: Portion of cryptocurrency users who say they are highly likely to purchase cryptocurrency this year
  • 31%: Portion of Main Street SMB owners who would use their personal credit cards to manage a cash flow shortfall
  • 23%: Share of Main Street SMBs citing economic uncertain as their most pressing challenge
  • 40%: Portion of Main Street SMBs with annual revenues between $1M and $10M without readily available financing
  • 19%: Share of consumers citing difficulty initiating disputes with payees when using pay by bank transfer for their most recent online purchase
  • 23%: Portion of pay by bank transfer users who cite speed as the most important reason for choosing this method for online purchases
  • 36%: Share of Gen X consumers highly likely to use pay by bank transfer for retail purchases if offered rewards
  • 26%: Share of consumers willing to pay a fee to receive government disbursements instantly
  • 69%: Portion of paycheck-to-paycheck consumers who select instant disbursement options when available
  • 28%: Share of bridge millennials who prefer instant disbursements but opt out because they have to pay a fee
  • 11: Number of different types of online transactions consumers make per month
  • 14%: Share of consumers performing digital banking transactions every day
  • 86M: Number of consumers using voice assistants each month
  • 45%: Portion of consumers who would trust their primary bank the most to administer a payment credentials vault
  • 49%: Share of consumers who would trust PayPal to administer a payment credentials vault
  • 46%: Portion of consumers who use stored payment credentials for 75% or more of their subscription payments or when shopping online that are highly interested in credentials vaults
  • 48%: Portion of high-income consumers living paycheck to paycheck in February 2023
  • 55%: Share of consumers whose supplemental income represented more of their total monthly income over the last 90 days
  • 62%: Portion of struggling paycheck-to-paycheck consumers whose supplemental income represented more of their total monthly income over the last 90 days
  • 59%: Share of healthcare companies that have not invested in ePayables that plan to begin spending on the necessary digital technology to support them
  • 81%: Portion of healthcare companies reporting plans to continue investing in real-time payments technology
  • 37%: Share of finance and insurance firms and healthcare companies that support ePayables
  • 6: Overall Index score of firms offering less than three instant payment methods
  • 5: Overall Index score of firms offering six or more instant payment methods
  • 26%: Share of bottom-performing FinTech issuers that say their customers have no problems with transfer speed when moving money
  • 7: How many fewer digital shopping features SMBs offer than larger competitors
  • 48%: Year-over-year increase in the share of in-store shoppers paying via digital wallet
  • 32%: How many fewer SMBs than large merchants offer mobile-optimized sites
  • 81%: Share of high data-readiness firms that consider technical infrastructure highly influential when strategizing item-level receipt data innovation
  • 33%: Portion of firms offering fraud solutions that cite customer experience improvements as a benefit of using item-level receipt data
  • 88%: Share of firms highly interested in using receipt data to provide loyalty and shopping offerings that believe incorporating item-level receipt data is highly important
  • 48%: Share of U.S. shoppers who see payments choice as a highly important feature for merchants to provide
  • 33%: Year-over-year increase in in-store digital wallet use in the U.S.
  • 41%: Share of U.S. consumers who see free shipping as very or extremely important for merchants to provide
  • 28%: Share of companies that track customer retention
  • 26%: Share of companies that say failed payments are the most important contributor to customer churn
  • 11%: Average share of revenue health and fitness companies lose due to failed payments
  • 44%: Portion of manufacturers planning to make investments in procurement processes
  • 31%: Share of retailers already investing in digital procurement technologies
  • 18%: Portion of finance and insurance CFOs saying cost reduction is the top reason for investing in digital procurement technologies
  • Priority One: Systems that are no longer compliant with current regulatory standards
  • Priority Two: Anything that impacts the organization’s security
  • Priority Three: The systems that are most crucial to the organization’s operations for modernization
  • 47%: Share of consumers unsatisfied with their FIs’ current security measures for everyday digital activities and transactions
  • 30%: Share of consumers looking for added visible security when accessing bank accounts
  • 34%: Share of digital-only banking customers who want additional visible security measures when reaccessing a bank account from a familiar device
  • 74%: Share of consumers who have cut back on nonessential retail purchases
  • 46%: Share of retail shoppers who chase deals
  • 40%: Share of persuadable consumers saying ease and convenience most influenced where they choose to shop
  • 45%: Share of high-income consumers living paycheck to paycheck as of January 2023
  • 72%: Share of paycheck-to-paycheck consumers without issues paying bills who made holiday or year-end purchases with a credit card
  • 42%: Share of paycheck-to-paycheck consumers living without difficulty who cut back on everyday perks to better manage their credit card debt in the last year
  • 55%: Share of consumers who prefer pickup and say getting a discount if the food is late would persuade them to choose delivery instead
  • 48%: Share of consumers saying inflation has made them more likely to choose pickup
  • 42%: Share of restaurant customers who say they pick up their meals to avoid tipping a delivery person
  • 23%: Portion of finance and insurance CFOs who cite expanding their business as the most important reason for investing in improvements to working capital and credit systems
  • 47%: Share of manufacturing CFOs who say the most important reason to invest in digital payments systems was improving their accounts receivable processes
  • 73%: Portion of finance and insurance CFOs who say investments in digital payments technology improved their working capital and credit systems operation
  • FLEXIBLE PAYMENTS INFRASTRUCTURE: Businesses must be able to add and remove capabilities from their payments stacks to keep ahead of the curve.
  • LINKING PAYMENTS ECOSYSTEMS: Major players are building interoperable payments systems to connect different LatAm countries and the world.
  • DIGITIZING CASH: Local payments providers are building new ways to allow cash-centric LatAm businesses and customers to make digital transactions.
  • 54%: Share of consumers who experienced at least one pain point when paying for healthcare expenses in the last year
  • 64%: Share of consumers highly satisfied with tracking their medical bills and insurance payments through a digital portal
  • 70%: Share of consumers interested in a unified digital platform for managing medical bills
  • 40%: Share of low-income consumers who work remotely from home
  • 71%: Share of high-income consumers who do at least some remote work
  • 46%: Portion of high-income consumers who planned or booked travel tickets or accommodations digitally