3D Secure

3-D Secure is an XML-based protocol designed to be an additional security layer for online credit and debit card transactions.

Source: en.wikipedia.org

Combating the Rising Tide of CNP Fraud
Combating the Rising Tide of CNP Fraud
May 31, 2023  |  Fraud Prevention

Six in 10 banks plan to increase their IT spending on fraud management in 2023, including cutting-edge solutions to help with push payments fraud. But...

Barclaycard Says Retailers Need Detect-and-Protect Mindset to Stop Online Fraud
Barclaycard Says Retailers Need Detect-and-Protect Mindset to Stop Online Fraud
March 08, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Payment fraud is expected to jump from $28 billion globally in 2020 to $49 billion in 2030, according to analysts. Those figures, said Linda Weston,...

3DS2 Helps Merchants Shift Chargeback Liability
3DS2 Helps Merchants Shift Chargeback Liability
February 04, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

For merchants who until 2020 were mostly conducting business in the physical world, online fraud wasn’t a top-of-mind concern. But with the digital shift that...

Deep Dive: Securing The Growth Of CNP Debit
Deep Dive: Securing The Growth Of CNP Debit
September 11, 2020  |  Next-Gen Debit

Card not present (CNP) debit transactions are growing swiftly during the pandemic as many consumers limit their in-store shopping and leverage services such as curbside...

TD Bank: Making AP Departments Digital And Resilient
TD Bank: Making AP Departments Digital And Resilient
August 25, 2020  |  Next-Gen AP Automation

Businesses are not anticipating a smooth return to normalcy, with 43.5 percent of treasurers saying in a global poll that they expect the economic recovery...

Deep Dive: How Payment Card Networks Win Merchants Over
Deep Dive: How Payment Card Networks Win Merchants Over
April 01, 2020  |  Next-Gen Debit

U.S. shoppers made 72.7 billion non-prepaid debit card transactions in 2018, solidifying debit as a staple payment type. Consumers only see a small part of...

EMVCo Updates Protocol To Prevent CNP Fraud
EMVCo Updates Protocol To Prevent CNP Fraud
December 17, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

EMVCo, the global technical body that facilitates the worldwide interoperability and acceptance of secure payment transactions,  announced late last week that it published the EMV 3-D...

The Impact Of PSD2 And GDPR On Merchant Fraud
The Impact Of PSD2 And GDPR On Merchant Fraud
April 20, 2018  |  Bank Regulation

A perfect storm of regulatory changes and card brand rule changes has left many merchants wondering to whom, exactly, they are beholden and what, exactly,...

UL: 3DS 2.0 Can Secure Merchants’ Omnichannel Ship
UL: 3DS 2.0 Can Secure Merchants’ Omnichannel Ship
March 28, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

When you turn on a light in your home, chances are the lamp meets the nationally recognized UL Standards, and says so on the tag....