
Only 6% of Acquirers Offer Installment Payment Options at Checkout
Only 6% of Acquirers Offer Installment Payment Options at Checkout
June 21, 2024  |  Buy Now Pay Later

Fifty-four percent of acquirers — those financial institutions (FIs) that process credit and debit card transactions on behalf of merchants — say they support card-linked...

Can Virtual Cards Overcome Their ‘Achilles Heel’ of Supplier Acceptance?
Can Virtual Cards Overcome Their ‘Achilles Heel’ of Supplier Acceptance?
June 11, 2024  |  B2B Payments

Virtual cards promise a revolution in B2B payments, offering efficiency and certainty in transactions, yet their adoption remains stymied by a critical bottleneck: suppliers’ reluctance...

Acquirer Survey Shows Card-Linked Installments Help Merchants Boost Sales
Acquirer Survey Shows Card-Linked Installments Help Merchants Boost Sales
June 10, 2024  |  Consumer Payments

There is a gap between acquirers’ self-reports and implementation. While 72% of acquirers say they support credit card-linked installment options online or in-store, only 3...

Acquirers Eye Expansion of Installment Payment Plans Amid Consumer Demand
Acquirers Eye Expansion of Installment Payment Plans Amid Consumer Demand
March 08, 2024  |  Payment Methods

Acquirers — the financial institutions that provide the infrastructure for merchants and businesses to accept card payments — operate behind the scenes but can play...

Why Are Merchants and Acquirers So Confused About BNPL and Installment Payment Plans?
Why Are Merchants and Acquirers So Confused About BNPL and Installment Payment Plans?
February 14, 2024  |  Consumer Payments

Installment or split-payment plans like buy now, pay later (BNPL) enable consumers to align their spending and credit management strategies. PYMNTS Intelligence’s data analysis reveals...

New Study Finds Acquirer Confusion Clouds Installment Plan Landscape
New Study Finds Acquirer Confusion Clouds Installment Plan Landscape
December 21, 2023  |  BNPL

Merchants affiliated with acquirers offering installment plans are interested in their potential to boost sales, as consumers may make larger purchases if they can spread...

Past Might be Prologue for Worldline and for Merchant Acquirer Acquisitions
Past Might be Prologue for Worldline and for Merchant Acquirer Acquisitions
November 27, 2023  |  Acquisitions

As 2023 wraps up and a new year dawns, acquirers are targets for acquirers. Europe has proven to be fertile ground for deal-making (though other...

‘Acquiring in a Box’ in Mexico Helps Merchants Dethrone ‘King Cash’
‘Acquiring in a Box’ in Mexico Helps Merchants Dethrone ‘King Cash’
June 12, 2023  |  Payment Methods

In Latin America, cash remains king. That’s true for many markets in the region, and Mexico stands out as a prime example. Roughly 85% of...

PNC on Fighting Transaction Fraud With Data
PNC on Fighting Transaction Fraud With Data
January 21, 2022  |  Connected Economy

Acquirers face a formidable challenge in helping merchants address an ever-evolving category of commercial risk: transaction fraud. This issue is pervasive and plagues merchants regardless...