Ad Hoc Payments

Free Instant Payments a Key Perk for Business Retention
Free Instant Payments a Key Perk for Business Retention
December 28, 2023  |  Faster Payments

In a fast-paced business environment, the demand for flexibility in financial transactions is paramount, and non-recurring ad hoc payments account for nearly two-thirds of the...

One-Third of Small Business Will Pay to Receive Ad Hoc Payments Instantly
One-Third of Small Business Will Pay to Receive Ad Hoc Payments Instantly
December 19, 2023  |  Money Mobility

Non-recurring or ad hoc payments play a significant role in the monthly revenues of small to midsized businesses (SMBs). In fact, these payments make up...

93% of Middle Market Firms Say Current AP/AR Systems Don’t Cut It
93% of Middle Market Firms Say Current AP/AR Systems Don’t Cut It
November 20, 2023  |  Accounts Payable

Automating accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) can provide a crucial edge for mid-size firms. Most that have done so report increased efficiency and...

Businesses Shift From Paper Checks With Help From AI and Faster Payments
Businesses Shift From Paper Checks With Help From AI and Faster Payments
November 17, 2023  |  B2B Payments

Drew Edwards, CEO of Ingo Money, told PYMNTS in a recent interview the landscape for business transactions is rapidly changing. CFOs and treasurers are re-assessing...

Nearly 40% of Gig Economy Ad Hoc Transactions Sent via Instant Payments
Nearly 40% of Gig Economy Ad Hoc Transactions Sent via Instant Payments
November 15, 2023  |  Faster Payments

Although ad hoc payments make up just 24% of accounts payable (AP) volume, they hold significant importance in various industry operations. In fact, these irregular...

Ad Hoc Payments Represent One in Every Four Vendor Payables
Ad Hoc Payments Represent One in Every Four Vendor Payables
November 15, 2023  |  Money Mobility

Ad hoc payments are irregular payments made outside normal invoicing and payroll processes and are somewhat of a nuisance. On average, these payments account for...

Partnerships Work Better Than Discounts to Boost On-Time B2B Payments
Partnerships Work Better Than Discounts to Boost On-Time B2B Payments
May 26, 2022  |  B2B Payments

Faced with mounting economic pressure, small-to-midsized businesses (SMBs) are showing more and more interest in getting paid more predictably, according to the “Money Mobility Tracker,”...