In anticipation of incorporating advertisements on Prime Video, Amazon is also delving into the development of movies and TV series inspired by the Warhammer 40,000...
In the latest move to crack down on unlabeled advertisements on social media, the U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) on Thursday (Nov. 3) published...
Facebook is under fire in a new set of documents in a lawsuit, which allege the company knew for years that paid advertising services on...
Facebook is bringing augmented reality (AR) to its News Feed, providing advertisers with a new way to reach potential customers. A report citing Ty Ahmad-Taylor,...
In one week, the FIFA World Cup Men’s Soccer competition will kick off in Russia. For most of the world that is big news. Here in...
The European Commission is looking to tax digital firms’ revenues, eyeing where their users are based – not where the firms themselves base their headquarters....
Anyone wanting to purchase an election-related advertisement on Facebook’s U.S.-based social media platform will now get a postcard in the mail to verify their identity....