alternative financing

PayPal Credit Reaches $50B In TPV
PayPal Credit Reaches $50B In TPV
February 04, 2019  |  Payment Methods

PayPal Credit said Monday that it has reached $50 billion in total payment volume. The company said that of that tally, PayPal Credit total payment...

Why Scratch Says Loan Servicing Needs A Ground-Up Rebuild
Why Scratch Says Loan Servicing Needs A Ground-Up Rebuild
September 27, 2018  |  Alternative Finances

If the world were a more logical place, it would always be easy for a borrower to pay their debts as quickly and easily as...

UK Regulators Taking Very Close Look At P2P Lending
UK Regulators Taking Very Close Look At P2P Lending
July 31, 2018  |  Alternative Finances

The P2P lending market is big business in the U.K. According to the U.K. Peer-to-Peer Finance Association (P2PFA), a self-regulating P2P industry group that includes...

Lending Club Surprises With Profits On Higher Loan Volume
Lending Club Surprises With Profits On Higher Loan Volume
May 09, 2018  |  Alternative Finances

Exactly two weeks ago today (April 25), LendingClub‘s stock hit an all-time low with the announcement of an FTC-backed lawsuit alleging that it loading up...

UK Federation Of Small Businesses Says AltFin Is Just Heating Up
UK Federation Of Small Businesses Says AltFin Is Just Heating Up
January 25, 2018  |  Alternative Finances

Small businesses face a mountain of financial challenges in the U.K., from late payments from their large corporate clients to a lack of access to...

iZettle’s Advance Gives Europe’s SMBs Access To Capital
iZettle’s Advance Gives Europe’s SMBs Access To Capital
August 28, 2015  |  Alternative Finances

iZettle — the Swedish-based mobile payments company that serves Europe and Latin America — has launched iZettle Advance to help small businesses across Europe gain access to capital...