American Express

The American Express Company, also known as Amex, is an American multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Three World Financial Center in New York City. The company was founded in 1850 and is one of the 30 components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.


Venmo Takes Top Spot, Chime Follows in Credit Card App Rankings
Venmo Takes Top Spot, Chime Follows in Credit Card App Rankings
August 17, 2023  |  Credit Cards

Embracing the ever-evolving terrain of credit card apps, the PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Credit Card Apps stands as your steadfast guide, revealing the ascent of frontrunners and...

EMVCo Reports 12.8 Billion EMV Chip Cards In Circulation
EMVCo Reports 12.8 Billion EMV Chip Cards In Circulation
August 10, 2023  |  Payment Methods

According to data from EMVCo, the adoption of EMV Chip card technology is on the rise. By the end of 2022, 12.8 billion EMV® Chip...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Fixing the Tech Industry’s B2B Payments Experience
PYMNTS Intelligence: Fixing the Tech Industry’s B2B Payments Experience
August 08, 2023  |  B2B Payments

When it comes to digital technology, business-to-business (B2B) payments are well-known latecomers to the party, with advances in consumer payments far outpacing those of their...

An Insider on Why the Tech Industry Is Ripe for B2B Consumerization
An Insider on Why the Tech Industry Is Ripe for B2B Consumerization
August 07, 2023  |  B2B Payments

B2B payments are generally behind the innovation curve compared to their consumer counterparts — even in the technology industry, where one-third of companies say their...

Adobe on Why the Tech Industry Is Ripe for Consumerizing Business Payments
Adobe on Why the Tech Industry Is Ripe for Consumerizing Business Payments
August 04, 2023  |  B2B Payments

Business-to-business (B2B) payments are generally last on the innovation train. Still, the lack of modern B2B payments technology is nowhere more evident than in the...

Top CFOs Take Positive Macro View While Doubling Down Digital
Top CFOs Take Positive Macro View While Doubling Down Digital
August 03, 2023  |  CFO

Where a firm spends its money tends to be highly correlated to its business strategy. That makes the chief financial officer (CFO) role crucial for...

American Express Teams With Skipify on Frictionless Checkout
American Express Teams With Skipify on Frictionless Checkout
August 01, 2023  |  Partnerships

Frictionless commerce firm Skipify has launched a partnership with American Express to streamline checkouts. The collaboration, announced in a Tuesday (Aug. 1) press release, lets American Express (Amex) customers link their...

Commercial Payments Trades Legacy Processes for Modern Digital Efficiencies
Commercial Payments Trades Legacy Processes for Modern Digital Efficiencies
July 26, 2023  |  Commercial Payments

Today’s macro climate has firms of all shapes and sizes sharpening their go-forward strategies.  And when faced with the question of buy, build or partner,...

American Express’ New Sync Program Brings Virtual Card On-Demand to U.S. Business Customers
American Express’ New Sync Program Brings Virtual Card On-Demand to U.S. Business Customers
July 25, 2023  |  Commercial Payments

American Express has rolled out its Sync Commercial Partner Program to help improve the workflow between technology organizations that serve businesses in the U.S. and...