The COVID-19 pandemic has made businesses and banks race to find solutions for immediate problems in recent months, but these firms must also consider how...
While open banking frameworks and initiatives have slowly trickled throughout the U.S. financial services system, the landscape is nowhere near as developed as in other...
Incorrect or late deliveries can frustrate consumers, especially in a climate in which home-delivered goods reliance skyrocketed so highly that one-day delivery quickly became a...
Visa has become a part of the ranks of companies experimenting with Phixius, a technology that assists credentialed service providers in exchanging and supervising digital...
Delivering packages to the wrong address leaves customers frustrated, and sours eCommerce platforms' efforts to optimize their onboarding and checkout experiences, says Rodrigo Rodríguez of...
Many U.S. parents are working overtime this summer to try to get their kids off the couch and out from behind their video games for...
As bank-FinTech collaborations evolve, more traditional financial institutions (FIs) are not only implementing services and technologies developed by FinTech partners, but they’re also lending their...
Payments are an omnipresent part of life for corporates and consumers alike, with the United States seeing 174.2 billion noncash payments totaling $97.04 trillion in...
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are essential for B2B payments as they are able to process these transactions in a fraction of the time it would...